How to validate PMF (Product Market Fit)?

Gabriele Mazzola 🧭
12 replies
Let's brainstorm! I start: - create a waitlist on your website and see how many people give you their email - ask them questions, see how many actually answer - ask some of their time: either a short call or a short demo + feedback. More?


André J
Nothing better than actual real numbers. So rate of first visits vs rate of usage numbers in google analytics. Page-views. Session length. Recurring visits etc.
I used to be a fan of waitlists, but of you take more than a couple weeks people’s needs and minds change. Now I’d rather have an MVP live or a payment link.
@derkolstad Very interesting, thank you for sharing Derek! We have a waitlist right now, we better be quick then!
creating a traffic to the website is the one big task. another thing is "finding the right audience"
Esus 🛡️
Pre-sales! No MVP. No more than 1 scroll landing page. If it gets sales + shares, it's worth launching. (# is different for every product.) The best products I've seen are so good (desired) they are auto-shared and auto-generate excitement. The way I think about it - If I struggle to sell or get it shared organically, I certainly either 1) don't have a good product or 2) haven't described it well.
Jake Harrison
When people say they hope know your product earlier. My OneSubmitAI just did this.
Launching soon!
Launch an MVP version that requires payment quickly. Easier said than done 😂
Elena Tsemirava
For me, the best way is to create an MVP, which is what we are doing now.
Mom Test! great way to validate :)