How to successfully bootstrap a startup ? Launching a Startup on a Tight Budget

Anton Chereminskiy
4 replies


Fabian Maume
I did bootstrap QApop 2.0 and recently successfully exited. A few things help: - focus on channeles which consumes time rather than money: for us posting answers on Quora worked quite well - run product hunt early on with a life time deal to raise funds: - leverage affiliate: it is nice that it doesn't have upfront cost. You can check out the product that I'm hunting today for some help on this topic
Alexey Anshakov
I apologize for the self-promotion but consider utilizing or any other course that focuses on your mentioned topic.
Yannell Selman
We bootstrapped for a LONG time as we were figuring out what exactly would solve the problem of burnout. We did paid pilots, worked part time, and did 500+ interviews. Today, we launched on product hunt!! App is called Burnout Bot - check us out! Now we feel like we can really deliver value, and that is HUGE for feeling ready for proper VC fundraising.
Tej Garikapati
Build it in public. Seek to be profitable from day one. Adapt a business model that focusses on cash flow. Be innovative, minimise spends(this includes hiring). Utilize community focused platforms like product hunt and reddit. Grow a sizeable business. Put profits into ads or Get acquired on, finally you have budget for the next big project.