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  • How to stop overthinking as a founder?

    Prasad Lingawar
    16 replies
    Looking for an advice from the existing founders from this community.


    Alex AI
    Just do what you have in your mind. Don't waste your energy in thinking. Better in doing.
    Alec Walsh
    Setting clear priorities and focusing on one task at a time can really help. Overthinking often comes from juggling too many thoughts at once.
    Lily Foster
    Regular breaks and mindfulness practices have been great for me. They help in grounding thoughts and reducing anxiety about decisions.
    Ivy Maxwell
    Establishing a solid routine and sticking to it can help manage overthinking. It creates structure and reduces the mental space for unnecessary doubts.
    Diane J McGee
    Create a to-do list and prioritise things according to their significance. Completing activities one at a time can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.
    Johnnie Kuvalis
    Breaking tasks into smaller steps has helped a lot. When there’s too much going on, it’s easy to overthink. Focusing on one thing at a time keeps it manageable.
    Awesome America
    Taking regular breaks and stepping away from work helps clear the mind. Overthinking often happens when you’re stuck in a cycle, disconnecting for a bit can reset everything.
    Edith Imokhai
    Prioritizing tasks by importance helps stop overthinking. Not every things need to be perfect or immediate, and knowing what the focus on first can bring clarity.
    Rock Turner
    I have learn to trust my team and delegate tasks. It’s easy to overthink when you’re trying to do everything yourself, so sharing responsibilities helps a lot.
    Umar Aziz
    I have found that setting specific deadlines for decisions and sticking to them prevents overthinking. It forces me to make choices and move forward, even if I’m unsure.
    Kelly B. Menchaca
    I find setting clear priorities and sticking to them helps manage overthinking. Breaking tasks into smaller steps makes things more manageable.
    Kavya Tripathi
    Focus on the positives. Let the emotions flow but it is also our responsibility to get up and push ourselves
    Hongyuan Cao
    Do ALl IN!
    Rahul Parmar
    To stop overthinking, set clear priorities, break tasks down, and trust your decisions.
    Jonathan Swift
    Instead of striving for a flawless plan, prioritize taking action and making headway. It's better to have something accomplished, even if imperfect, than to endlessly theorize without any tangible progress. By taking incremental steps forward, you'll gain invaluable lessons and insights that mere contemplation could never provide.
    Abhinav Sehgal
    There is no such thing as overthinking, it's just thinking. Generally it's around a fear or an insecurity that the mind clings itself too. Just observe yourself and pay attention those thoughts. Attention to them is enough. Do not resist them!