How to nail the recording of a podcast episode?

Juliette BEGUE
1 reply
8 key things I've noticed that help the guests I invite on the podcast: • Keep sentences short and simple. If a word is too complex, explain it right away. For example: Instead of just saying "ISPs set the rules." Add "If you don’t know, ISP stands for Internet Service Providers. Gmail is one of the biggest ISP." • Prepare your script and rehearse until you can anticipate the next sentence. Don't memorise it perfectly. •Your tone: To stay dynamic, break the monotony. Slow down on certain words, emphasize key moments, and don't be afraid to pause. Avoid speaking in a constant flow. • Your tone (again): Don't drop your voice at the end of sentences. Yes, it feels a bit strange at first, but that’s normal. (This tip is especially for French speakers—Spanish and Italian speakers tend to nail this naturally!) Think of podcast intonation like a phone call. If you struggle with finishing sentences on a rising note, try calling someone to practice. It’ll feel easier after that. • Record yourself once solo: Are you dynamic enough? Do you keep your voice up at the end of sentences? Are your sentences short and clear? Are you speaking too quickly? • Based on what you hear, mark up your script (pause, emphasize, slow down...). • Listen to podcast clips with dynamic hosts. I recommend Marketing Square for french speakers. It might not be easy at first, but you'll improve your clarity, diction, and eloquence. Go for it! Do you have more advice to share ?


Natalia Toth
Going to a podcast soon, thanks for the advice!