How to get the most out of your Upcoming page?

Iuliia Shnai
8 replies
I created upcoming page for the launch of curated list of 100+ user onboarding examples and templates from Top SaaS like Airbnb, Canva, DocuSign and co. with 1+ Million users. Now looking for different ways how to gain more feedback and use the whole potential of the đź‘€Upcoming page here on PH. Any tips?


Jonathan Massabni
Don't have enough experience about launching here, but great idea!! signed up.
Iuliia Shnai
@jonathanm Thank you! I launched here before, but didn't use the Upcoming page feature. So, decided to give it a try)
Marc Seitz
That's a great idea! I think such a list is incredibly valuable to founders and young startups! Did you try to share the discussion on Twitter or LinkedIn. Perhaps that can give you more reach.
Rich Watson
Good topic post, been wondering the same. I really want to hit product of the day and idk how much an upcoming page could help play into that. Best of luck with your project!
Lucius Blockerson
Great, ideas, you have did amazing upcoming page for the launching. I am also thing to make a page ready before 4th august for because we are going to launch a saas program related to the softwares and apps. Your idea click in my mind. Will like to design such a unique one.
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