How to Get First 100 Paying Customers Using Cold Email Outreach

Suleman Ahmed
1 reply
Founders! You already know what cold outreach is, so I won’t bore you with definitions. Instead, we're going to focus on how fast you can have your first 100 customers! Step 1: Narrowing down your Audience I know you've done your audience research already. Fantastic! But it's about narrowing down and really nailing the exact audience. Trust me, it's simpler than assembling IKEA furniture. Step 2: Contact Data and List Building Know where do your potential customers hang out? LinkedIn? Crunchbase? Directories? Got it. Use tools like Clearbit, SalesQL, or ZoomInfo to find their emails.Got the contact list?Great. Now, verify these emails with tools like NeverBounce or DeBounce. Remember, your reputation matters, aim for a bounce rate less than 2%. Cleanliness isn't just for your living room, but your data too. Step 3: Setting Up Your Business Email Buy a Google Workspace. Set up a business email. And by setting up, I don't mean a mere name add-on. Configure DKIM, DMARC, and SPF. A perfectly tuned setup saves you from the nightmare of landing in spam. Step 4: Warming Up Your Email Warm up your email for at least 30 days. For a stress-free approach, use tools like Snovio or Lemlist. Or, if you're a traditionalist, get your friends and colleagues involved. Send casual emails. Ask for replies. Step 5: Crafting the Perfect Message Your subject lines and email content should be an art masterpiece. And the secret ingredient is personalization. Say no to generic email templates, and yes to genuine, tailor-made content. Step 6: Cold Email Timing and Frequency Dispatch your emails like a perfect soufflé - with precision. Keep a gap of 1-2 minutes between each email. Use Mailshake or for automation, or do it manually. But remember: never send more than 50 emails a day in your first 3 months. Avoid the dreaded spam label. Step 7: The Power of A/B Testing & followups Become the Sherlock Holmes of email outreach. Experiment with subject lines, email content, and send times. Set 3-4 step followups. You'll be surprised how small changes can yield big results.And that's it! An easy-to-follow guide to cold outreach. Put these steps into action. Watch the magic happen in your SaaS business. If you have any queries, don't hesitate to ask.


Elizabeth Gorgon
Thank you for sharing your experience, it is truly valuable! Email marketing is a carefully thought-out process of attracting subscribers and communicating with them. But also don’t forget to check that your email is up to date, and this can be easily done using Mailtester. With the help of newsletters, companies build trusting relationships with customers, nurture leads, increase sales and increase customer retention.