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  • How to find as many potential users as possible?

    17 replies
    Please write down your suggestion, thank you.


    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    For B2C and PLG B2B - Twitter and building in public, for enterprise sales B2B - LinkedIn, podcasts, conferences.
    @olena_bomko My Product is for toC. welcome your suggestions. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mu...
    Scott Sanders
    Just leverage existing social networks, communities related to your niche, and tools like Google Analytics.
    Developer X
    IT is long answer but as short: Online platforms, Product related platforms, Real world events
    @newyork I have tried many platforms but none of them worked well. I don't know where is the problem? My App Musium - HD Music Video.welcome your suggestions. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mu...
    Elena Tsemirava
    The most effective way is to define your buyer persona from the very beginning and understand personas habits, including media. And then you need to develop a marketing strategy in order to target your buyer persona. If you start using all possible marketing channels, you will simply waste time and money.
    Sanjay Chandran
    Find your target audience Then see where are they hanging out, online and offline. Then start giving out insane amounts of values for free. But always remember, your lead magnet or values should be a solution to one problem, and then your solution should pave way to another problem thats is going to be solved by your solution
    Rico Piatos
    Find your ideal users based on their real-world foot traffic! For example, we've worked with a company in the United States and they were trying to target golfers, but they realized not a lot of golfers go online to search for golf content. So we created a digital audience based on the actual physical location of golfers. We targeted golf courses in the US and found that there was only a 1% overlap with their first party data. Opens up a lot of doors for potential customers and users!