How to check if the PRD make sense and match the company goals?

Oleg ⚡️
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Product requirements often require multiple iterations of communication to estimate accurately. However, with the advent of custom GPTs, drafting a plan and testing assumptions has become more straightforward. EstimatePRD is now officially live and exclusively available on Product Hunt. This tool offers a practical approach to planning, providing a clear outline of project scope, team setup, and task breakdowns. It simplifies the planning process, reducing the need for guesswork or continuous back-and-forth communication. ‌ Change log from the previous version: - Rebrand: EstimateGPT to EstimatePRD. - Heavy instructions refinement for more depth into the product layers and components. - Updated estimates examples, scope breakdown and timeline instructions. - Introduced the PRD examples. - Quote settings/rate per hour affirmation step. - New conversation starters for a cleaner and focused start of the conversation. ‌ Here is the product page with more details, examples, and the tool link:
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