How should we build products and companies for the next generation of AI?
Joel Mulkey
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Sam Altman said that in a year the offerings from OpenAI will make the current ones look "quaint". My guess is that they will be offering a new primary interaction for us people, one where we give instructions to AI and it just makes them happen (rather than the AI giving us info back that we act upon). For example, imagine if the GPTs that everyone is making right now were really powerful, and they were controlled by a super-GPT that acted based on your instructions, things could get powerful quickly. I could tell "ChatGPT-5" to reschedule my dentist appointment to next week, and it would just make that happen (since it knows my calendar, my preferences for things, can make phone calls, etc.)
So, where does that leave our products? If a new common interface between humans and the world is going to come to the forefront, how do we plan strategy for our products and companies in the coming years?
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