How often do you check your Dashboards? 📊 🖥️
Enzo Avigo (📊
8 replies
We're having some kind of existential question around why and how frequently people check their dashboards.
Are they something from the past, or here for a long time?
This survey will help us know the answer :)


It really depends:
- App usage, logs and acquisition dashboards ~once a day (mostly database)
- Google Analytics dashboards ~once a week
- Otherwise, I get notifications in Slack for specific actions I want to monitor on a one-to-one basis (errors, new leads, new users, incoming contact request, etc.)
@marwannas great, for app usage which data do you check everyday? is it the priority of the moment, the quarter? else?

@enzo_avigo - Tracking user actions especially activation when there's a new customer (onboarding finished, first action done and other types of activities related to our product). We want to make sure people's "time to aha" is as short as possible. I think it'll always be a priority for us to activate customers quickly!
It's a bit counterintuitive, but we don't monitor retention metrics as much, as once people set their account most of their tasks are automated.
Once a week is a good sweet spot. If you look at them everyday but not gaining new insights, you're wasting your time.
Once a week without missing any weeks is the best bang for the buck.
You can always keep alerts for top metrics to track large deviations and not be blindsided.
@kavirkaycee great recap, and agree with the use of alerts for top metrics or most critical piece of the flow
Every Monday, as we have our Weekly Kick-off on Monday morning!
It depends on what I'm looking at, and what I'm trying to change. If you don't know how often to do this, start with daily or weekly intervals and you will get a better understanding of what works for you. Actually, dashboards ecommerce tools differ from analytical ones and have only the necessary metrics.