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  • How much time is too much time?

    Ghost Kitty
    19 replies
    Is it okay to give up when you don't find logic or direction in your efforts? I think it is.. what do you think??


    Golfo Vasiliou
    Yep, gotta cut your losses and not fall victim to sunken cost fallacy.
    Time is a precious commodity, like avocado toast. If it's not bringing you joy or guacamole, it's okay to move on. Don't waste your time on things that don't serve you 💪
    Hey there! Life's too short to waste time on unfruitful endeavors. If you're lost in the sauce, take a break or try a new approach. Besides, quitting is just an opportunity to start fresh with better wisdom. Keep on keepin' on!
    @mansi_trivedi1 Absolutely! Go for it and embrace new beginnings with open arms.
    The Simple Finance Tracker
    The Simple Finance Tracker
    I've had this feeling a few times in the past months since I've been trying out different skillsets. My honest advice is to just keep searching and looking for something you thrive in and which resonates with your personality.
    Richard Gao
    Yep, most important part is sometimes knowing when to quit and start anew with another project
    AI Profile For Slack
    AI Profile For Slack
    I prefer to time-limit these situations, and if they don't go well, I'll either get assistance or put them off until later.
    Andrea Aceves
    If each minute was one hour
    Brandon Scott
    One of the most important aspects of business is knowing when to throw in the towel on some ideas / companies. Time is more valuable than money. Because with time you can make money, but you'll never make time with money.
    Pranab Buragohain
    @mansi_trivedi1 The only time that's truly too much is the time one wastes waiting for something to happen, instead of making it happen on their own.
    Luca Kiedrowski
    Glow Up: Journal & Coach
    Glow Up: Journal & Coach
    Yeah sure, the act of giving up is actually a good thing. It gives you more room for finding new stuff, especially since you probably already know that you're going to fail. Cut if off and make more room for new things :)
    I think you have to distinguish between too much time spent and time wasted. Sometimes good things take a lot of time, but can have a big impact on the things that follow. But to be able to judge well whether something is just taking a long time or time is wasted is a strong skill.