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  • How much time do you spend on social media platforms?

    How YouTube, Meta, and Snap's battle with TikTok in short-form video is playing out: Daily watch time - TikTok: 118 mins - YouTube: 75 mins - Facebook: 52 mins - Instagram 31 mins - Snapchat: 22 mins The question is: How much time are you scrolling through social media? What social media is time-consuming in your case?


    Aditya Narayan Rai
    Enough to say that I don't have time rest of the time.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    More than I should :)
    Joana PFA
    Strategy-First AI
    More than what I would like so now I am using a lock mechanism on the platform I used to doomscroll. Works wonder.
    Might be an idea to include what you're doing on social media, I do research as well as just scroll. I also post, if I were to add up all the time spent on all the platforms I use, then it is significant, but not all of it is for entertainment. An even better question then, esp for those launching, would be, how much time do you need to spend on social media in order to; a. grow followers, b. gain customers, etc. COCA (or Cost of Customer Acquisition) is one of the key metrics to include in your financial model. If you can't acquire customers profitably, then you're in trouble. Each customer needs to cost less to acquire than they spend. Your time is valuable and should be included if you're spending it on social media promotion, or building a following in the build up to launching.
    crazy data, I thought Instagram would top the list, just next to TikTok. btw, on your question, about 30 mins to 1 hour a day I guess. and it's mostly YouTube and Instagram.
    Ahmed Yassin
    I didn't have TikTok for all of my life, and I'm currently working to reduce my usage of Instagram, which I would estimate to be around 10 hours a week or less. I don't use any of the other social media platforms much. Perhaps I do spend more time on YouTube when I'm watching podcasts by Andrew Huberman or Alex Baker, but I prefer not to waste time on short-form content. It can consume a lot of your time when you could be accomplishing meaningful things. Anyway, TikTok is a strange platform to me. I often see my girlfriend using it to relax, but I don't quite understand what's so relaxing about it haha
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @ahmed_yassin2 I also do not understand that content on TikTok. What about is it? :-D Also, I have heard that the Chinese version of TikTok (Douyin) presents more motivational content than TikTok.
    Isao Fukata
    I used to try to spend 1 hour on Youtube, 1 hour on Tiktok, and 1 hour on Instagram. Now I spend 1 hour on Youtube, 0 hours on Tiktok and Instagram, and 5 hours on CoClue.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @fukcoclue What is it?
    alan robert
    I like Instagram
    Tanzirul Huda
    Need a tracker for X😅
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @tanzirul_huda X... you mean that porn website? :-D Lol, just kidding... Elon named it ridiculously.
    Relja Denic
    Launching soon!
    Just youtube - 60 mins Need to watch somethibg while eating hahaha
    Maali Baali
    TikTok: 118 mins
    Launching soon!
    I used to spend a lot of time on social media, but I've cut back recently. I find that I'm more productive and happier when I'm not constantly connected. If you're looking to launch your first product on Product Hunt, I recommend focusing on building a strong community and promoting your product through other channels.
    Mark Curz
    i used only instagram
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mark_curz How many hours per day? :-D
    Delores K Staples
    I'm not spend time on social media I provide solution for social media problems like "How to See Who Rewatched Your Snapchat Story?" If you face the same issue you must visit my website : https://5-reasonswhy.com/rewatch...
    udhay yadav
    YouTube: 75 mins
    Nathan Marquez
    too much 😭 definitely 10+ hours per week. I'm always deleting tiktok, but end up defaultingt to reels instead lol
    Rohan Pathak
    I don't use Instagram but I do spend a lot of time watching youtube shorts, engaging with other creators on Twitter and linkedin sometimes. also I spent a lot of time on product hunt replying to discussions and up voting product launches!
    Uma Venugopal
    Instagram: 45mins-60mins/ day Youtube: 150mins
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @uma_venugopal I am also extensive YouTube consumer, but because of exercising according to long videos (for example, one workout has 45 minutes and I do 2 or 3 videos per day).