How much time do you spend on social media during the weekend? 🫣

Gulsah Anahtar S
18 replies


Consuming: less than 1 hour Creating: roughly 5 hours How about you?🤔
DoÄŸukan Tezcan
I try to stay away from the screens :)
Consuming or creating?
Leonid Mikhalev
A lot of time actually, cuz currently Im building an audience on Twitter, LinkedIn, and PH. Probably 2-3 hours actively, and 30 minutes/1hour passively replying to comments, etc.
Too much time!
Luka Dimitrijević
Average screen time on the phone is 9 hours out of which probably 3 hours are YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn combined.
Usually not much but I become active during evening
Ty Scheiner
I try not to spend too much time on my phone during the weekend, but probably around an hour or so.