How much time do you spend on Product Hunt every day?

Rahul Aluri
33 replies
I think I'm losing track of time these days because there are always so many cool things happening every single day


Kazi Asif Mahmud
Hey there! I totally get you, it's so easy to lose track of time when you're on Product Hunt. It's like a never-ending rabbit hole of awesome discoveries! I typically spend maybe an hour. How much time do you spend on Product Hunt every day? Do you have any tips or strategies to stay focused and not get too caught up? I'm always looking for ways to manage my time better while still enjoying all the amazing things here.
Rahul Aluri
@kazi_asif_mahmud1 very well said! I think it's kind of hard to not spend time here. I have put a few blocks on my calendar when I open Product Hunt. Rest of the times I try to keep away from the site!
Vikramaditya Viswanath
Haha! From 'Let's explore some cool stuff' to 'I'm practically the Elon Musk of clicking' – Product Hunt's innovation buffet. It just doesn't stop!
Rahul Aluri
@vikramaditya_viswanath Hahahaha. Such an addictive place to be
Olena Bomko
Love the PH community ❤️
Rahul Aluri
@olena_bomko Yes! Truly and exciting place
Igor Lysenko
About an hour, I like to sit here and help people
So close to launching, 5+ hours just studying launches!
Rahul Aluri
@akanksha_hunts can totally understand! Best wishes for the launch.
Adam Cooper
I simply check in on it occasionally, especially when I have free time, for maybe an hour.
Jonas Schaller
producthunt is always open in my work on my second screen because i have nothing to do here and it looks like i am doing something, but at home i only check the top products if there is something cool for like 15 minutes
Rahul Aluri
@jonassc love the candid response! It's the same for me.
Durga Singh
New to the site! Loving it.
Daniel Zaitzow
Trying to log around 2 hours on here daily until I've built a community large enough to support my launch (also always happy to support others)
Rahul Aluri
@dzaitzow great to hear! When are you launching?
Garen Orchyan
Launching soon!
3-4 hrs
More than an hour. Love to see new products 😊
Rahul Aluri
@ruhi3 Yes, there are ample of exciting products around.
About 2 hours