How much does it cost to run your SaaS?

M Sulaiman
3 replies
I've been researching server costs for SaaS startups and noticed some people are paying a lot, like $400 - $1000 monthly, just to run an AWS server, even without customers! 😱 Can you share your average costs for running a SaaS, whether you have users or not?


Gurkaran Singh
Running a SaaS can cost anywhere from a cozy coffee budget to a fancy avocado toast lifestyle - it all depends on how hungry your server gets! πŸ’ΈπŸ₯‘β˜•
Giovani Drosda Lima
It depends so much that I don't think people should base themselves at other's costs. I never had a SaaS with no customers costing me more than 10 dollars/month.
M Sulaiman
@kitamashi Thanks for sharing your insights, Giovani! I’ll aim for that sweet spot where cost meets functionality.