How many years of experience did you have before starting your own business?

Shaur ul Asar
97 replies


Dan Chadney
About 20 years for me. I started designing and building websites in 1998. For some reason, I always had the mentality that everyone else was always ahead of me, and there was no point in starting. I'd just get lost in the vast sea that is the internet... until I realized that my own inaction was the real problem all along!
Sadam Ali
I was 30 with 5 years of field experience when I started my startup...
George Kalandadze
5 years as well (seems like a sweet spot) although I am a true believer that year of experience don't really matter, if you have a good idea and are passionate enough you'll figure it out and make it happen.
Jorge Medina
I'm about to start it now and I have about 6.5 years of experience 😬 I should have probably done it last year though. I thought I wasn't ready but working yet again for another startup confirmed that I was and that I'd rather work for myself.
Andrei Debono
@patrick_sao_e14 by traction do you mean exposure? Or building momentum on a particular project?
Marek Tracz
More than 10 years.
Sophiko Jeiranashvili
Almost 6 years, but we should all remember, if you've got a brilliant idea, you can pick up everything you need along the journey – learning as you go is all part of the adventure! 🚀
riya somani
I am a beginnner, still in college. But am working on my own business.
Daria Ofitserova
8 years, but I have been exploring different things, without really sticking to one particular niche. Starting my own venture was just an extension of this "let's see what happens" mentality. I don't think this desire to explore will ever wane 🙃
Abdul Razzaq
I was new to my field
Zero, but fortunately I was not alone. My cofounder had 10 years experience, he made a lot during the first years.
B. Jetton Lorraine
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John Cox
I was a chartered accountant and stayed in a Finance Director role for around 5 years. I then started my own company and ran that for 10 years before we successfully sold the business 2 years ago. The years I worked as an employee certainly helped me when I ran my own business
Bryan McAnulty
I suppose you could say almost 6. I started my business around 18, but had been doing freelance work here and there since I was 13. I'm proud to have been in business since 2009, and I wouldn't have imagined where I am at today.
SASSA Status Check
I believe that around 5 years is a good timeframe (it feels like a favorable balance). However, I also hold the belief that the number of years of experience isn't the most crucial factor. If you possess a strong idea and have the necessary passion, you'll find a way to overcome challenges and turn your idea into reality you can check my business site on
Natalie Lomakina
7 years old and it's still so nerve-wracking because you need to cover the areas you've explored but not as deep
Sachin Jain
I started Requestly as a side project while I continued to work. I was having 5 years of experience by that time.