How many times do you have coffee every day?

Utkarsh Gupta
13 replies


Bhaskar Pratim
I need coffee every 3-4 hours at work. And I start my day with a cup of coffee. Not a good habit, but can't help it :)
Bhaskar Pratim
@wajiha_haider Sounds interesting. Do share your feedback on how it works, I might try it out as well :)
Wajiha Haider
@bhaskar_pratim +1, I run on caffeine, but I am trying to opt matcha, a healthy alternative.
Mubeen Masudi
I only have once - every morning because I brew my coffee on my own. Can't stand office coffee!
Nicole Schmidt
I switched to half decaf though and it was a game changer
Elli Kim
I would have five or more but then I get caffeine overload and it's never a good feeling!
Nathalie Junior
3 à 4 tasse et je le bois à grand 😂 j'aime pas boire le café instantané donc je le prépare moi même : une tasse au réveille 8h, une deuxième à 10h, une troisième à 13h et une dernière à 16h. Je suis une Accro au café Ouiii😊😒
Jessica Vilana
Coffee beans are those tiny, green, seeds that come from the roasted end of a coffee plant grown around the world. I like it so much! Coffee lovers, we have a lot in common. You know that morning cup of coffee is just the best way to start your day and that is why is a good example where to buy it.
Shahroz Ali
i have a coffee shop near my office they send my special espresso twice a day one for the morning and one after the lunch.