How many tabs do you usually have open?

Victor Giurgiu
9 replies
wonder if i am the only one with 10+ tabs always open? :) i always have to check twitter, emails, producthunt, customer support and many others really curious about you guys, feel free to share in the comments


Ian Williams
When it gets to over 10 tabs I tend to start a new window by dividing up the tabs into appropriate categories. It helps to keep things less cluttered.
Victor Giurgiu
@ian_williams4 makes sense, if you're using chrome, you might find this extension useful, i'm launching it soon and it's called, it basically let's you organize your tabs better, so i am trying to get as much feedback on it :D
Everest Ng
5 to 10...more than 10 is usually unmanageable, unless it's like prospecting and I will only spend 20 secs each and get the info I need then close them. But constantly, 5~10 of them
Victor Giurgiu
@everest_ng yeah, that seems to be the average number of tabs that people, but recently started using a tool called, helps me keep my browser better organised
Grace Hur
1 to 5 tabs! πŸ˜‡ Per window 😭
Victor Giurgiu
@gracehur now it makes sense :) i actually created a product around this cuz i had the same problem for a long time, maybe you find it useful too, it's called, we're launching soon, so I'd love to collect as much feedback 😁
Grace Hur
@vicdevelopmently Exciting stuff! Go team, go! πŸ₯³
Peyt Spencer Dewar
I have different tab groups but that still doesn’t prevent opening more than 10 at once πŸ™ƒ
Victor Giurgiu
@psd that is not a bad alternative, but like you mentioned, it still is a bit of a mess with all of those tabs open πŸ˜… I'd still rather use for that purpose