πŸ“± How many productivity apps do you have in your main stack right now?

Francesco D'Alessio
26 replies
Being nosey and curious, what and how many apps are active for your productivity (just personal) right now


Wiktoria Jaszcza
TickTick, Minimal, Workspaces, Gmail.
Slack, Notion, Superhuman, Airtable and SigmaOS sitting behind all of them
Yurii Serbin
Notion, Things 3, Apple Reminders
As business owner, the lines between personal and work get pretty blurry. I don't think I could distinguish between the two regarding productivity apps. That said, I use Obsidian, Todoist, and Notion mostly for non-team related items
Mike Kulakov
Calendar, Asana, Everhour, Notes
Pablo Fatas
SigmaOS , no bias ;) On a more serious note I use tools like: superhuman, airtable, mixpanel, slack and notion
Tom Schlander
Using Reminders, Craft, Fantastical, Pile and Kosmik.
Keegan J. Sard
Superhuman, Vimcal, & Roam
Kevin F.J. Harris
Fantastical, Things, Slack, Craft Docs, Spark
Nora Conrad
I use Google calendar, notion, and sunsama. Occasionally todoist but mostly just for a grocery list
Chet Karsan
Eating own dog food so: DayViewer. (just furiously working on a few updates hopefully can shoot an updated product hunt fairly soon!)
Sylvain Laporte
POW! To Do (disclaimer: my app πŸ˜‰ ), Calendar, Notes, Google Keep, Slack
Dan Barak
Google docs, Gmail and Text Blaze of course
Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
I'd say I'm roughly in the 2-4 camp, but it also depends on what we define as a productivity app, and what kind of projects i have going on. For instance, Zapier is probably one, yeah? I don't use it regularly for a lot of stuff, but every now and then i get a use case where it's helpful but don't always need it long term.
Rich Maloy
How broadly do you want to define productivity? Things I use (nearly) every day just for personal use: Headspace, Daylio, MyTherapy (meds tracker), Evernote, Google Tasks, Alexa. Layer in work things I can't live without: Zapier. Zapier. and probably Zapier as a close third. Everything else is replaceable, but Zapier is not.
I used to have a lot of different productivity apps before, and it was hard for me to log in to multiple URLs. Since I just need basic stuff, I started creating whatever productivity app that I needed at the time, and kept on creating. So under one stack, I now have more than 10 productivity apps, from CRM, Expense Tracker, Notes, Calendar, To-Do List, Blogging, Inventory Management, Document Management, Ticketing System, Work Order Management, Collaboration, etc. Using enterprise architecture design, the system can have multiple users under 1 main company account, so you can share your data with your team. I will be launching on PH soon. Looking for beta users ;)
Yauhen Petrachuk
Everhour - for time tracking Notes - for notes πŸ˜… Asana - for daily todos and future plans