How many hours do you work per day?

Soner Alemdar
98 replies
Hey guys, I've been working a lot lately and wondered how are things on your side ๐Ÿ˜œ


Salim Lunat
Launching soon!
8-9 hours a day
Thomas Hansen
"How many hours you working?" - So you guys have hours you're NOT working? :D
Claudiu Cogalniceanu
I work about 3 hours a day, and I found that I focus better and I get things done faster in less hours.
Daniel Zaitzow
@claudiu_cogalniceanu what do you do with the rest of your time?
Claudiu Cogalniceanu
@dzaitzow Iโ€™m a stay at home dad and I spend the rest of my time with my daughter. I managed to squeeze these 3 hours in so I can get stuff done on my startup.
Daniel Zaitzow
@claudiu_cogalniceanu so you have 2 jobs - one as a full time caretaker and 1 as a startup employee. Sounds like you're working much more than 3 hours to me!
Claudiu Cogalniceanu
@dzaitzow I never thought of it this way, but yes, I guess you could say that I work a lot more than 3 hours :)
I lost my count....
Well, I do sit in front of my computer for many hours, but how many of them I work... need to track))
@soner_ Yeah. Would you recommend one?)
Rohit Joshi
I seriously lost my count, but I just take my 6 hours of sleep now, the rest of the time only work.
Normally 8-9 hours
Igor Lysenko
I work 15 hours a day. I'm working on my product and I don't mind spending energy on a product that helps people. (Ixord Notes)
Brian Hurst
Usually it's already too many, but today is a 24 hour work day, as mDash, my AI-powered project management tool built for web development, launched today! I can sleep tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‚
I think today I am about to hit 12 hours
Erkin Bek
At least 9 hours a day, usually more