How many hours a day do you spend working on your startup (project)?

Julia Doronina
65 replies


Jay •
3 hours a day. There are always off days where I don't get even a few minutes on it.
About 4-10 per day
Xavier JJ
About 8-12 hrs a day for now
Nicolò Marchesi
8-12 hours a day... weekends I'm not "working" but I'm "thinking" about the startup :P
About 8-10 per day
Fred QI
Almost 12 hours per day for making a great product to people. If you guys are interested in the MVP that we just built in two weeks with three people, please check my profile and the product we just launched today!
Fred QI
@julia_demyanchuk Thanks Julia, I have already followed you too and looking forward to having your great product!
Julia Doronina
@frederick_qi1 We've finally launched, and I'd appreciate any support (we're currently #1 - Flipner), thank you!
8-10 hours a day
Shivam Garg
Recently extended the time window as we are approaching the launch of our product. It now ranges between 12-14 hours per day
Great accountability question. Now I feel guilty because this was consumed by my full time work and I need to grind this weekend. How about you?
Julia Doronina
@slimmy82 Oh, it's the same for me. Sometimes it takes more than 12 hours a day, but I am trying to find a good work-life balance.
@julia_demyanchuk so are you doing your project full time or you have full time work and working part time on it? Definitely need to have work life balance.
Neel Patel
About 24-30h a day if you ask me.
Jack hina
I am starting my workin in tech merge prolike 3 to 4 hours per day
Vincent Xu
It really depends on the day and the tasks at hand. Some days I may spend 8-10 hours working on my startup, while other days it may be closer to 4-6 hours. It's all about finding a balance and making progress towards my goals. By the way, I'm planning to launch my product soon. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
Julia Doronina
@cen_xu and good luck with the launch! As for me, I try to find the balance right now too, because somedays my work takes more than 13-14 hours...
Hey Julia, As a full-time entrepreneur, the clock doesn't really tick when I'm deep in startup mode. I'm all about chasing goals rather than watching the clock. Let's just say, if there were a startup Olympics, I'd be aiming for the gold in time-bending! How about you? Got a secret to mastering the entrepreneurial time warp? ⏰🚀