How many followers do I need to build in public?

23 replies
How many followers on twitter you think is needed to start sharing my journey of building in public


Deluar Hosain
I think building in public is more about quality than quantity, and it's important to have a strategy that aligns with your objectives
@deluar_001 exactly, got it know from the community finally πŸ™‚πŸ‘Œ
Deluar Hosain
@azfar have a nice journey:)
@deluar_001 thanks ☺️
0! You just need to start and share your progress with the Twitter community using the hashtag #buildinpublic. Your tweets will receive 50-80 views, and with a little bit of luck, your audience will grow. Note that to grow your audience, you need to post 3-4 tweets per day and don't forget to support other creators with likes and replies!
@realvladgolub thanks Vlad Golub, guess good to think to get starters rather waiting for followers
Tej Garikapati
@realvladgolub Love this reply. You need 0 followers. Everyone starts at 0.
Remember to interact with people yourself rather than linking your Twitter account to bot tools.
@beratkervan yes exactly planned to the same
0. you build a following by building in public & communicating with other builders
@thedontgetrekt oh thats other way around πŸ€”
Arthur Liebhardt
Don't worry too much about gaining followers. Instead, start sharing your journey, and interesting learnings, and engage with others. The rest will come naturally, but it's definitely a long-term game.
@arthurliebhardt Oh yes v’ll start sharing my journey, waiting for followers is a wrong approach to get started
@arthurliebhardt thanks, yes got you point πŸ‘Œ
Luke Skyward
You build your audience by building in public!!!
Shajedul Karim
hey Azfar, a number, any number - it's just that, a number. and building in public, it's an art, a dance, not a math equation. start the dance not for the spectators, but for the sheer joy of moving to your rhythm, of learning new steps, of evolving with every misstep. one, a hundred, a thousand - numbers will wax and wane, but the essence, the rhythm of your journey - that's what leaves a mark, that's what inspires. so build, share, learn, iterate - in public or private. do it because it fuels you, because it feels like your authentic self-expression. that's where the magic hides. followers, they'll join the dance when your rhythm resonates with theirs. and remember, every dance starts with a single step. why not take that step today? let's keep building, Karim
@shajedulkarim_ haha dude nice one, poetry on PH you are a πŸ’Ž
0 to get started. Start sharing your journey authentically and the followers will come.
@thisismeihere thanks, yes πŸ™Œ