How many days off do you take for the holidays?

Mohsen Kamrani
15 replies
We all know building a startup means to work really hard, so much that some of us forget how to take a break (including me). Let's see what's everyone's plan for the holidays.


Sebastian Britz
Really intrigued to see the results
Alexey Shashkov
That's a good idea to create the poll, Mosen! =)
Mohsen Kamrani
@shashcoffe Hi Alexey, I'm glad you like it :)
Mohsen Kamrani
@complyant Makes sense, but sometimes hard to convince yourself
Maria Batrin
@complyant Agree! Mental health is sooo important! I would appreciate if you could take part in this poll, too:
Nik Hazell
Sounds like a load of people really glamourising the hustle. 0 Days !?!?!???
Mohsen Kamrani
@nik_hazell Well, it becomes an obsession after a while and you cannot stop chasing your goal until you achieve it
Alina Ihnatiuk
I think 1 week is enough. You can rest, go on a little vacation ... and celebrate my birthday, which is Christmas))))
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
2 weeks since I had only 1 week of vacation this year. I surely deserve it!
Evelina Radoycheva
@tsvetanakos I'm pretty much in the same situation. I've been prioritizing work throughout the year. It's time for a well-deserved rest.
Lucian Apostol
This is the time when ideas gathered during the year are coming to life. I always take advantage of the break to invest more time in developing something new ( either it is a new product or a major improvement on a current one )