How many days can you survive without your phone?

51 replies


Jaskiran Kaur
I think the gen Z cannot survive without phone for long time. As we have become dependable on it. Everything is available on phone and it helps to do many task very conveniently.
@jaskiran_kaur that's true! It seems like a necessity now.
I did a 10-day Vipassana several years ago, so I'd say 10 days at least. My main issue is that I get worried about my family if I don't have news from them for days, but I also know that I'm (just like anyone else) capable of adapting. So if I have a reason, I can survive for as long as its needed.
@footer makes sense! that's great!
Siddhesh Lokare
I think I can spend days and days without my phone. My whole work ecosystem has shifted to my desktop and that's all I need to sustain and function on daily basis. So yeah, no worries!
Natalie Karakina
I'm trying to have digital detox on weekends, so – 2
Cica-Laure Mbappé
If I am off work, I can easily leave it for a week. How about you?
@cica_laure_mbappe lovely! I think I can go without it for upto 5 days.
Anonym SB
Not a single Day May be!
Robert Brandon
0. My income comes entirely from it and I work everyday :( I hope that in the future this situation changes
Vijaya Jeyakumar
From my experience today, < 1.5 hours 🤣
Althaf KR
Not more than 10 mins to be honest😂
Lilian Max
I have spent an entire weekend without my phone. It wasn't easy at first, but with time I got used to it.
@lilian_nyar_okus ya, it'll take time, but worth a shot
Madi Aslan
I like the way you put it – "survive"😅 seems more to me like a bad habit that we all better get rid of
Jing Hu
@madina_aslanbekova I think it is... people focus too much on their phone and forgetting what's happening around them. 😄
Jing Hu
0.1 day maybe LOL can't stop using my phone especially we're trying to boost our online present. I can however, live w/o my phone for weeks when I wasn't running this startup. Well... as long as my husband is with me :p
Victor Oleynik
1 day max, but I live abroad, so I need to always stay in touch in case my family wants to reach out.
Since I started muting my phone while I'm working, I realized I could live without it for hours without even remembering it exists. Next step, I want to try to get rid of it for the entire weekend. Let's see if this works.
Egor Mishin
I'd like to try being off the phone for a week, but it's not realistic, I'm probably doing something on it every minute