How many cups of coffee do you need a day?

Anne Broadwin
36 replies
To keep you refreshed? Mine first, usually 1 but would do 2 if I didn't sleep well the night before


Joanne Hurley
I'm sensitive to caffeine from coffee so I only have a decaf to start the day and even with that I get a little buzz off. Sadly that's all my body can handle.
Anne Broadwin
@joanne_hurleyv1 lucky that you can still enjoy the aroma and the taste! Decaf is great too
Jason Lee
Haha, Not even 1 cup for me. I drink purified water only.
Anne Broadwin
@jason_lee_3282 really! it's difficult to resist all the temptations from drinks!
Sherry Xena
Usually one cup, but I drank three cups at most one day
Anne Broadwin
@sherryxena quite good. what's your fav flavor?
Sherry Xena
@annebroadwin I like black coffee and caramel macchiato
Anne Broadwin
@sherryxena caramel macchiato - the best for winter!
Jason Andries
I have days where I don't drink any coffee at all, but when I do I try to limit it to 1 or 2 cups a day
Anne Broadwin
@jason_andries1 that's a good habit. i remember a research says 1-2 is the most healthy
sowmya k s
only 2 cups of coffee
Henry Miller
The amount of coffee that a person should consume on a daily basis can vary depending on several factors, including their body weight, age, and overall health. In general, most health organizations recommend that adults consume no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, which is equivalent to about four cups of coffee. However, it's important to keep in mind that the effects of caffeine can vary from person to person, so it's always best to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider about the right amount of caffeine for you.
Anne Broadwin
@henrymiller i can tell your answer is meaningful simply from the length of it. lol
Sofi Suleman
1 or 2 cups are enough for a day.
Gladys Atienza
None. I drink hot chocolate or milk tea only when I'm craving for it. So it's just water most of the time. 😁
Anne Broadwin
@gladys_atienza very good habit! I crave for chocolate and milk tea also. Trying to avoid them so but usually the effort is in vain
Lodovico Sella
2 Americanos keep me sane ☕
Anne Broadwin
@lodovico_sella sane - a fun word to use ;)
Indu Thangamuthu
No coffee 🌞 I totally support water. When I am down and need to refresh, I add powdered Cardamom seeds (1 cardamom) to warm water and drink it. Instant refresh. Drinking Cardamom water daily keeps me fresh (just 2 cardamom to 1 Liter water will do)😇🌞
Anne Broadwin
@indu_thangamuthu noted. Never tried Cardamom but will! Next time when my body cannot handle caffeine I'd go for it. Thanks!
Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
One cup in the afternoon to keep me awake till night!
Sridevi M
I prefer tea and 1 time a day
Anne Broadwin
@sridevi_m what kind of tea? i'm growing to like flower teas
Nikolas Dimitroulakis
1-2 in the morning i stop caffeine intake after 12 though, so any cus after that are decaf.
Anne Broadwin
@nikolas_dimitroulakis decaf is a good idea, no caffeine but can enjoy the aroma. My last coffee of the day would be before 4pm
Reshma S
It's an interesting question... 😉 I used to drink more than 3 cups of coffee..... Per day
Anne Broadwin
@reshma_s wow that's the most so far, ha. Why do you need so many?
Reshma S
@annebroadwin Because it was my childhood routine 😉 but I knew that that was not healthy at all ..
Anne Broadwin
@reshma_s totally reasonable, those childhool cravings hha
Hannah Dao
As someone who was born in a country (FYI, Vietnam) where coffee is one of the top exporting products then I would say 2 cups per day! After moving to Canada 5 years ago, I have been trying to limit my caffeine intake to 1 cup per day and looking for healthier alternatives like matcha latte to stay refreshed.
Anne Broadwin
@hannah_dao Vietnam coffee is absolute a fav! Canada... Tims, no doubtly my must have every week ;)
Mayank Jain
aah, the first half is all caffeinated for me with 2-3 cups :). Thankfully, the second half is better!!
Lisa L
2 cups if I had a bad sleep