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  • How long until we get ChatGPT into our voice assistants?

    Ignacio Velasquez
    7 replies
    This should be a matter of time. Does anybody have some insight on this?


    Launching soon!
    ChatGPT is in a fast development phase, and I am confident we will see this feature very soon.
    Dávid Sipos
    Give me 10 min and I make it :D voic2text -> chatGPT api -> text2voice :D
    Mr. Gainz
    yeah that would be awesome, much better than Siri, that's for sure
    Richard Gao
    You can already kind of do this. There exists GPT-3 already, and there is an API for it. If you connect it to a speech recognition program or AI (there are plenty of open source ones) and send to the GPT-3 API, and then have a text to speech program (also AI lol) give an answer, then you have a product already. May need to do some prompt tuning so you get "chatlike" answers rather than a wall of text though.
    Nik McFly
    There is a Promptheus app for that already. https://chrome.google.com/websto...
    Andrew Miller
    Well, with rapidly evolving speech and sound recognition technology, not long. There are a few tiny details to figure out here, but overall, AI is already really comfortable with audio processing, analyzing, and processing. In this article https://www.alltheragefaces.com/... you can learn more about some minor challenges with this technology, but also, ways to get rid of them. So, soon Artificial Intelligence will be all over our voice assistants.