How long it took for your product to reach its turning point?

Hossein Yazdi
2 replies


A question very hard to ponder on haha. Ah, depends on what you consider a turning point! It's like waiting for your sourdough bread to rise, you will need the right ingredients and patience. I've seen my fair share of turning points, and there are always many unexpected twists and turns. Some products hit their turning point in a flash. They solve a critical customer problem, have a unique value proposition, and quickly gain traction in the market. Suddenly, everyone wants a piece of the action, and the growth is exponential. Other products take a more gradual approach to their turning point. They slowly build momentum over time, through a combination of smart marketing, customer feedback, and iterative development. It may take longer to get there, but the result is a more stable and sustainable growth curve, no surprises here. Of course, there are always those products that never quite hit their turning point, no matter how hard you try. Maybe the market isn't quite ready for them, or the competition is just too fierce. It can be frustrating, but as a product manager, you learn to recognise when it's time to move on to something new. Having a clear vision and being willing to make changes along the way will help. I feel like the more complex the problem you are solving, the longer it will take to get people on board. What do you think?