This is a topic worth discussing; the inspiration behind a product is crucial because direction is more important than effort. I believe I might be slower in generating ideas, but I have faith that whatever idea I come up with, someone else has probably thought of it before. That's why I prefer not to dwell solely on my own thoughts but rather explore and observe. I look for startup products within my expertise that align with the direction I can develop. Then, I choose a niche and attempt to make progress.
For example, the inspiration behind my latest product came from observing people's mixed reactions to ChatGPT. After conversing with users, I realized that the main challenge lay in asking the right questions and providing accurate prompts to ChatGPT. Often, users faced difficulties in seeking answers because they didn't fully grasp the problem, making it challenging to ask the 'right' questions.
To tackle this issue, I conceived the idea of utilizing AI multi-agent systems. Users simply need to provide a topic, and AI agents specializing in specific areas engage in ongoing discussions and questioning with a shared objective. This collaborative exchange generates prompts that lead to comprehensive solutions. Additionally, we can conduct brainstorming sessions based on these prompts and AI roles, resulting in holistic solutions rather than scattered answers.