How good are you at managing time? ( Master, good, decent, poor, desperate for help?)

Rihab Zaidi
12 replies
Time management is a crucial skill, this is why sometimes our day slips seamlessly through our fingers 😟 I am somewhere between good and decent, working my way up to being a Master. What about you?


Sunil Ayar
Terrible. i struggle to manage my time efficiently because i dont like the feeling of a robotic lifestyle by dedicated my time to the same routine every day.
Cameron Scully
Terrible. i struggle to manage my time efficiently because i dont like the feeling of a robotic lifestyle by dedicated my time to the same routine every day. i often jump between when i do different things depending how i feel. For example i might spend 1 hour of engaging on Product hunt but spread across the day. Might not be extremely efficient for most people but its working for me
Rihab Zaidi
@cameronscully_ this is important! What works for someone might not work for others and it's good to understand our work patterns and leverage it, for instance I know I am more focused early in the morning, so I always leave it for creative or deep work
Hey there! Your discussion about time management really resonates with me. It's definitely a skill that can make or break our productivity. I'm impressed that you're working your way up to being a Master at it! By the way, I'm about to launch my own product soon and would love to hear your advice. Do you have any tips for a smooth product launch? Also, I'd really appreciate your feedback once my product is live. Feel free to click on the "Notify" button to get notified when it's ready. Thanks in advance!
Rihab Zaidi
@felix_f_tao awesome, happy to support! Good luck
i am master 😎.. but it's a pity that I can't accelerate my mind :-)
I'd say I'm in the good range when it comes to managing time. Always looking for ways to improve and optimize, but I've found a rhythm that works well for me.
@rihab_zd yes, my brain 😊
Rihab Zaidi
@priyankamandal nice, do you use any tools to help you with that?
Simran Kumar
I am good at managing my time.
Rahul Mishra
I'll say good but need to be better at it. I need to control my lazy nature because I can be better than now for sure.
if anyone have advice for this topic im very interested cuz im still very bad at managing time :/