How does your day start?

Denis Pimenov
22 replies
People start their day in different ways. Someone needs to drink a cup of coffee in the morning. Someone can not do without a morning jog. And how do you start your day?


Ivan Ralic
Put water for the coffee, make my bed, make coffee, start working 😅 I'm most productive in the morning 😄
Saif Ullah Khalid
I start my day with a healthy breakfast (usually with fresh juice).
Gurpinder Singh
My day starts with cold shower followed by a healthy breakfast, then my todo list.
Denis Pimenov
@gurpinder_singh Tempering the body with a cold shower is good for the body. But it's important not to overdo it. A healthy breakfast is a great start to the day))
Muaaz Ahmed
I am quite a religious person so I start my day with morning prayer.
Jennifer Guerra
I start my day cooking my breakfast and taking a shower, then I reply to my emails
Jennifer Guerra
@new_user_11620223ff4de5436 Definitely, and good music! By the way, we launched today, if you have some time please check out our page. I can't share the link here but our product is called Tresl Segments
Amelia Charlie
It would be best if you strived to make each day a masterpiece when you wake up. Every morning, you have two options: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them. There are so many better ways to start our day, but my day begins as mentioned below: My day begins at 3:50 am with a generic alarm clock sound. I meditate for 2 mins before sitting to study. That is how I start my day ( except for Sunday 😁)
A cold shower immediately after waking up.
Denis Pimenov
@inesfenner Extreme. But on the other hand, a cold shower will immediately invigorate and drive away sleep.
scrolling the news and messages, then breakfast, then work
Chrystal Cienfuegos
Get kids ready for school and walk the doggie