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  • How do you usually use Product Hunt?

    9 replies
    1. Have you developed a routine for Product Hunting? If so, what does your routine entail? 2. What are the first actions you take when visiting the Product Hunt website/app? 3. How many times a day do you usually visit the Product Hunt website/app? 4. At what time do you usually visit the Product Hunt website/app?


    Dr. Vladimir Estrada
    Hi, @srprs ! In my case, I use PH to search for new blogging platforms, writing apps, branding apps, and recently, AI apps focused in content creation. The main reason is that I am a researcher, professor, mentor, consultant and writer about this topics (among others), and PH is an iconic space where we can find the best new tech products around the world. Very important: I am NOT a tech dev. Since 2020, I am developing a personal research project focused in the new blogging apps that were launched here. Until now, I have explored more than 70, wrote articles in more than 30, and I continue using about 8 of them, those that are more connected with my academic and professional work. For example, this week I "discovered" a new one that looks and function great, and promises even more: btw.so, launched by @deeptivchopra. Yesterday, I launched a new blog in it, that I hope to continue growing, so I think the app will grow: you can see it in https://profesorestrada.btw.so . The launch of btw is here: https://www.producthunt.com/prod... My routine here is very simple. Twice a week (sometimes more), I look for new products using the search terms associated with the categories I look for. I usually follow all of them that I can be interested in, and select to explore first the ones that seems closer to my search objectives. Then, I explore and analize them. I normally continue using those that finally match more deeply with things I consider as "musts", according to my objectives. Hope you can get all my message, and sorry for some possible "idiomatic bugs": english is not my native language. Regards, Vladimir
    Hello @dr_vladimir_estrada, I want to express my appreciation for sharing your experience with Product Hunt. It's evident that being a tech dev is not a prerequisite for effectively utilizing PH. Your routine of searching for new products using search terms associated with your categories of interest and selecting those that match your search goals is an excellent approach. This leads me to wonder if you also utilize other similar platforms, such as BetaList, for your research purposes. I am eager to delve further into your work over the weekend, with the hope of uncovering intriguing insights. I would love it if you could tell me where to start. If you're comfortable, I would also be interested to know more about your background and where you're from. However, if that's not something you wish to disclose, I completely understand. Thank you for your comment, and don't worry about the quality of your English; the message was conveyed clearly. Keep up the good work and best of luck with your blog on btw.so!
    Dr. Vladimir Estrada
    @srprs Thanks a lot for your generous answer, and for ask about me and my work! It's a great pleasure to share with you everything you wanna know. And maybe we could colaborate in areas we both look at, in the next future! I am cuban, 60 years of age, 40 of academic, consulting and mentoring career, and 60 of learning, learning and learning (and counting!). Living in Dominican Republic since 2007. I have a PhD, a Master Degree and some other titulations; but I think that titles and academic degrees are not the most importand thing, but what there is in the bottom of them, and what you do with that in order to serve and be useful to people. That is my mission: to serve and be useful helping people to grow. I love to write. There are many spaces online where my written work can be read (not only academic or professional texts, but poetry, narrative, and songs too). You can begin here: https://profesorestrada.pro/ And about my blogging research, it began in 2020, here in PH. Nobody asked for me to do it, nobody pays for me to do it. I've just identified the need ("There is a great blogging live beyond WordPress, and people need to know that"), and put hands on. The article where I launched the research project can be read here: https://es.linkedin.com/pulse/in... Hope you can read all this (or the parts you want, of course). If you want so, I can get here the links of almost all the articles I've published in the project, obviously with the apps (all of them launched here in PH). Thanks a lot again! Regards, Vladimir
    @dr_vladimir_estrada Your pleasure is mine, a collaboration would be welcome. I also have an online space where I publish my writings, which you can find here, but since I am knee-deep in other projects, I am not yet ready to fully devote myself to writing. My next essay will center around Haitian literature, but extensive research is necessary as there are limited resources on this subject. The tone will be educational, as I aim to show that the constant presence of two languages in Haitian schools doesn't foster a conducive learning environment. This is in contrast to Canada, where French and English are given separate territories in schools, whereas Creole and French are both present in all Haitian schools. I hope you find this topic interesting, and I'd love to connect with you on Twitter. My profile can be found here. Lastly, regarding your work, I hope the translation does not significantly alter the essence of your ideas… Goodbye for now!
    1. Have you developed a routine for Product Hunting? If so, what does your routine entail? - Sign in every morning to keep my streak (I added the PH streak widget which has helped me with this) - Respond to replies - Check Discussions - If I have time, sift through new products and see if there's anything I want to try out 2. What are the first actions you take when visiting the Product Hunt website/app? - Check my notifications (are there any people I need to respond to?) - Go to Discussions tab, sort by new and answer ppl (try to provide value) who haven't had anyone respond to them yet (or few responses) 3. How many times a day do you usually visit the Product Hunt website/app? - Maybe just a couple times a day 4. At what time do you usually visit the Product Hunt website/app? - I try first thing in the morning so I don't forget later (this has helped me finally maintain a streak)
    @eden_ghirmai - Okay, thanks for sharing!
    Igor Lysenko
    I usually use it to show everyone the product in order to gather opinions and enjoy communicating with other users. And also talk about other products.
    @ixord - Interesting, thank you for sharing!