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  • How do you think work will change (in the next 2-5 years) due to technological advances?

    Maria Noemi Hernandez
    70 replies
    I don't like using "new normal" after the pandemic ๐Ÿ˜‚ But I think asynchronous work will be the new normal very soon!


    Colleen Camacho
    As a long time test prep instructor and trainer of instructors, hereโ€™s my take. For students who have already earned a strong SAT grade without tutoring assistance, using Khan Academy may be enough to help them improve their scores to their satisfaction. Itโ€™s a wonderful resource. However, most students are hindered by hidden gaps in their core academic skill set. Without an expert to work directly with them one-on-one, it will be difficult for them to significantly raise their scores quickly and without deep, unwavering commitment. So, every student should give it a try. However, nobody should depend on it without trying it first and testing the results by taking a sample test under test conditions. Nobody who needs to raise their scores significantly in a small amount of time should depend on Khan Academy. That is not a criticism of Khan Academy. Itโ€™s simply that most students have gaps they wonโ€™t find and/or cannot fill without expert help. These are the gaps that exist despite years of schooling. Khan Academy may help committed students find some of the gaps and fill them. But, most students need more live, individual, extensive attention to truly rise to a higher plane and stay there academically. So, whether or not you depend completely on Khan Academy depends on your abilities, your commitment, your schedule, your needs, and other factors. Use Khan Academy if you need to raise your scores, the other Zahid SEO Academy resources (a lift, tools, freelancing course in peshawar, etc.,Address: Hashtnagri Shahi Bagh, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 25000, neighbor who can help Phone:03138784840 , etc.), but donโ€™t depend on it for rapid, enduring improvement that will simultaneously significantly raise your test scores and solidify your foundation of core academic skills.This question is similar to the question, โ€œCan I fix my car by myself using Youtube videos as a guide?โ€ The answer depends on what needs to be fixed, your current knowledge and skill, the time you have, , and so on. By all means, watch the car repair videos, but donโ€™t depend on them to help you with all kinds of car repairs unless you have extensive skills, lots of tools, some help, and time.
    Franziska Kroll
    I think working conditions will become a lot more individualized granting workers more flexibility and autonomy.
    Maria Noemi Hernandez
    @franziska_kroll I would add ownership and accountability! We need to trust our peers!
    Kartal Erkoc
    I agree with asynchronous work! Also some of the main challenges will probably be creating a structure around asynchronous updates, time efficiency and alignment with stakeholders. Effective communication&collaboration tools surely will have an edge on.
    Maria Noemi Hernandez
    @kartal_erkoc1 thanks for sharing! You're right! While reading, I came up with a question: How could communication not be affected by asynchronous work? The feeling that you belong to a team! Now, I have something to read about tonight!
    Monika Staponkute
    @mimih_arteaga my company has been remote for 10 years and established quite a few async practices that creates a sense of belonging while we have meetings only a few times a month. For connection with manager instead of 1:1s we have written check ins, which is actually amazing. For connection among employees we have various slack channels for fun discussions - question a day and moment of the week are the best ones in my opinion. There are lots of fun ways to engage asynchronously, while avoiding the zoom fatigue.
    Aaron O'Leary
    I think flexibility will become a key focus going forward, I can see the concept of a 9-5 ending in favour of a more productive option
    Maria Noemi Hernandez
    @aaronoleary I couldn't agree more! This ties in with my idea of asynchronous work. We don't need to be 9-5 in front of a screen to collaborate and work together.
    Ivo Scherkamp
    well, the constant switching between tools and searching for information will hopefully stop in some way...
    Sanjay Somashekar
    @ivo_scherkamp we are building something along similar lines, would you be interested in checking it out?
    Catherine Norris
    Hopefully more time will be freed up from repetitive/manual tasks that can be automated, leaving more room for big ideas!
    Maria Noemi Hernandez
    @catherine_norris I agree! Technology will help us with those tasks that stop us from being more and more productive!
    David Fore
    4 day work week, more employees working less hours, sales teams will shrink, less VC funding due to tools and resources available to scale more lean.
    Jacopo Lai
    Less employees, more flexibility, less work hours, less in-office work.
    Hybrid model? Wfh + office hours/ events ๐Ÿค”
    Cibin K S
    @shivam_jha3 Yes, remote work culture will takeover traditional office jobs
    Tanmay Parekh
    More and more people will opt for flexible working arrangements. Of course, the office culture and learning will take a hit but people will prefer to have the luxury of flexible working more.
    Kshitij Gupta
    I think remote work/hybrid models are not going away anytime soon. So asynchronous work is more likely than ever. Though efficiency will be a challenge, automation and ai will make up for most of it.
    Lisa L
    Online collaboration will definitely be strengthened.
    Huy Ngo
    hmm, Asynchronous work seems right. For me, in the future will have less in-office work, and people tend to work remotely. E-contract, technology will formula as the internet now (now in SEA is not :( )
    geeta chaturvedi
    May be more focus on qualitative outputs... Flexibility
    Pankaj Gulati
    Technology is constantly evolving and changing, which means that work will change as well. Some of the more notable changes that you can expect include: -Shift towards a more remote workforce where employees are able to work from anywhere in the world -Advances in AI and robotics that will enable machines to do much of the repetitive tasks currently done by humans -More businesses being started online rather than face physical presence All of these changes mean that you need to keep up with latest trends if you want to stay ahead of the curve. In order for your business to be successful, it is essential for managers and employees alike to have access not only to new technologies but also an understanding of how they can be used within organizational structures. Additionally, learning new skills on an ongoing basis should be part of your job description.
    Henry Miller
    It's likely that technology will continue to automate many tasks and processes, which could lead to changes in the job market and the types of jobs that are available. There could also be an increased use of virtual and augmented reality, as well as other technologies that make it possible for people to work from anywhere. Additionally, there may be developments in AI and machine learning that change the way we approach problem-solving and decision-making in the workplace.
    Sarah Playford
    More technical skills will be in demand
    Anshaj Goyal
    It's difficult to predict exactly how work will change in the next 2-5 years due to technological advances, as it will depend on a variety of factors including the specific technologies that are developed and adopted, and how they are integrated into various industries. However, it's likely that we will see continued advancements in areas such as automation and artificial intelligence, which could potentially lead to increased efficiency and productivity in a variety of industries. We may also see the development of new technologies and platforms that enable remote work and collaboration, potentially leading to a more distributed and flexible workforce. Additionally, there may be developments in the field of virtual and augmented reality that could impact how work is performed and experienced. Overall, it's likely that we will continue to see significant changes in the way work is done due to technological advances, and it will be important for individuals and organizations to adapt and stay up-to-date with these developments.
    Sunil Ayar
    Let's see. It is sometimes quite haunting to think of it
    Harper Wang
    Plenty of workloads would turn to online, more cooperative, parallel. people are most like the worker nodes in the high performance distributed computing systems.