How Do You Tackle Monday Mornings After a Weekend?

Hamza Afzal Butt
66 replies
Mondays can be a bit of a challenge, especially after a relaxing or eventful weekend. Some of us might find it hard to switch back into work mode, while others are ready to tackle the week head-on. share your strategies and tips!


Adeeb Malik
I usually plan the week (at least I try to πŸ˜…), what needs to be done, what needs to be pushed, what needs to be optimized, and what needs to be achieved. And after dwelling on this, it comes out of somewhere...'I should probably get started' 🧐😬 And that's how it goes.
Business Marketing with Nika
Do not differentiate so much these days. So start is easy :)
@busmark_w_nika Ahaan. You’re the most active person I have seen on PH :) πŸ™ŒπŸ»
Business Marketing with Nika
@hamza_afzal_butt Trying to transfer that activity to my Twitter and Youtube :D Unfortunately, not successful :D
@busmark_w_nika Don't worry, building a presence on new platforms can take time and experimentation. With a bit of strategy and persistence, you can find your groove. Umm, What specific areas are you finding tricky, or where would you like to see improvement? I'm here to help brainstorm ideas or provide tips to enhance your presence on these platforms.
Business Marketing with Nika
@hamza_afzal_butt I need to grow watch time and views and subscribers count on YouTube – of course, the quality amount of users :)
@busmark_w_nika highly effective way to grow watch time, views, and subscribers on YouTube is to consistently create high-quality, niche-focused content . you can naturally increase engagement, retention, and subscriber count over time.
Madni Khan Juma Khan
Mondays can indeed be challenging as we transition from the weekend back to work. While some people struggle to get back into work mode, others use the fresh start to set goals and tackle the week ahead. Finding a personal routine that eases this transition can make Mondays more manageable. visit for more details :
@madni_khan_juma_khan Will check it out. How does it provide help?
KC Onrade
Every friday, I list my tasks that are to be done on Monday. Every monday morning, I do time blocking so I'll know what should be done ahead, also if there are meetings set, so I could plan my day accordingly.
Indu Thangamuthu
When weekends are like weekdays, but without targets... then there's no boundary πŸ˜…
Indu Thangamuthu
@hamza_afzal_butt There's no weekday & weekend, or day & night for marketing and sales person. There's only the time awake and the time asleep. πŸ˜…
Haiqa Irfan
I swear by the Pomodoro technique! It keeps me focused and helps me manage my time effectively. I also make sure to have short breaks throughout the day to recharge.
@haiqa_irfan Absolutely, the Pomodoro technique is amazing!
I find that starting my Monday with a team meeting helps. We catch up on the weekend, discuss our goals for the week, and share any concerns.
Aleksei Trudov
I try to deal with the most difficult task I have. Usually it proves much less daunting than I expected. After completing all other tasks seem easy and I feel motivated!
I like Monday morning to get ready and go to the office and to the work again which I really love to do. Some responsibilities and work are important in life to make us concentrate on goal.
Liam Oram
Launching soon!
I get up early and do my 45 minute excercise routine! Gets my mind in shape for the rest of the day! Makes me feel like I'm not lazy and puts me in a productive mood! I then start work early and organise the week and get on top of any emails! Means I can focus my attention on more productive tasks for the rest of the day!
CY Zhou
I tackle Monday mornings by setting clear goals for the week and starting with a small, manageable task to build momentum. It helps me transition smoothly from the weekend and kickstart my productivity.
Prem Saini
I usually try to make my schedule by Sunday itself so on Monday i don't feel overwhelmed. And also a founder there's no much difference between Monday or Sunday :)
Albama Linn
I prep a healthy breakfast
Almas Khan
I mostly do a quick workout to energies for the day πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ
Priyanka Saini
with 2-3 cup of tea
Elaine Lu
I start my Monday mornings with a quick workout to boost my energy and a cup of coffee to get my mind focused. It helps me transition smoothly from the weekend mindset to a productive workday.
Aniyah Hoovers
Seriously, the worst part of weekend πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ
I start with a coffee then observing my dumb cat behaviour while sip my coffee. those combo alway give me the energy
Euler Marrie
I organized my things on sunday night for a stress free morning.
Henry Habib
To keep going, I think of Monday as a day for fresh start. New week, new opportunities. 