How do you strike the perfect balance between offering free features and monetizing your product? 💰

Lavinia Gherasim
3 replies


Brian Hurst
Within a free tier, you want to offer the full necessary functions of your product at a small scale. Charge for superfluous features as you'd like, but the necessary functions that actually solve the user's problem should all be accessible at a small scale. Show them that your product actually does solve their issue, and make them pay to scale that to suit their needs and their success. That's what we're doing with mDash, our AI-powered project management tool built for web development which is launching to open beta soon here on PH.
Wyatt Feaster
I am not sure. a "perfect" balance exists, but I think an approach could be using multiple free products to get users and retain them then using product lead growth to upsell free users into the more premium features. Another approach I read was from a product called tally where they gave away 99% of their product for free and only charged for that top 1%. While that may not work for everyone I thought it was an interesting play.