How do you stay motivated when facing challenges or setbacks?
Sneha Nair
11 replies

Arron Watson@norra
No challenge or setback I've had was permanent. If you can overcome once, you can do it again.
“How can you measure the strength of a ship if the sea does not test it?”
Remember that, and you'll be able to weather any storm that comes. Look it as character building.
In my case, I just call my sister. Having a conversation with her fills me with positive energy and confidence that helps me tackle any obstacle head-on.

I understand that challenges are a natural part of the journey. When they arise, I feel compelled to do more and respond by putting in extra effort and working harder.
I like to take a step back and take time to understand my motivations and myself, so I feel motivated to start again

Each failure provides experience that we can use in the future.
I know this is cliche, but having a good team makes all the difference. I am a strong practitioner of fixing the root cause and not the symptom. Picking the right design, platform, doing diligent reviews and proper testing will save a lot of heartache. Not saying there won’t be obstacles. But if you have the fundamentals covered, you are better positioned to handle these obstacles.
Of course I am referring to internal challenges and setbacks in the technical realm.

Savvy Planner
Quite simple: always remember where you're trying to escape from. People don't start changing their lives because their lives are abundant. So if you remember bad times, you will never let yourself stop in order not to get back to them. Proven over the years🥲
Debts and lack of money.
"Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth fuels my motivation to overcome setbacks and keep pushing forward. 🚀 #ResilienceMatters"