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  • How do you stay informed about current events and trends?

    Shiva Tejasvi
    36 replies
    I keep up with current events in several ways. I regularly scroll through Twitter to get quick updates on breaking news and trending topics. I also enjoy listening to "The Daily" podcast, which provides an in-depth look at one important story each day. Additionally, when I have time in the morning I try to read newspapers to get a more comprehensive view of the day's events from reputable news sources.


    Sandy Leventh
    I prefer reading online articles from trusted sources, and YouTube helps me stay in the loop with trending topics.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @sandy_leventh I agree that reading online articles from trusted sources is a great way to get well-researched and reliable information.
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    Techcrunch :)
    Udaya Sri
    Twitter, Product Hunt and sometimes Instagram
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @udaya_sri Those are excellent choices!Do you have any favorite accounts or profiles on these platforms that you follow for the latest updates?
    Samson Idegwu
    I keep up with current events by following major news outlets and subscribing to daily newsletters. It helps me stay informed without feeling overwhelmed.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @samson_idegwu That’s a smart approach!Do you have any favorite sources that you rely on for the most accurate updates?
    Jessica Flower
    I like to listen to podcasts and watch news shows. It’s a good way for me to stay updated while I’m on the go.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @jessica_flower I completely agree , Do you have any go-to podcasts or news programs that you never miss?
    Lesile Hensley
    I use social media to track trending topics and see what people are talking about. It’s a quick way for me to catch up on the latest trends.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @lesile_hensley I agree that Social media is definitely a great way to stay on top of the latest trends.
    Haider Murtaza
    I usually rely on Twitter and Reddit for updates, but I also check the BBC for a more balanced take.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @haider_murtaza That’s a solid mix! Do you have any favorite subreddits or Twitter accounts you follow for news?
    Haider Murtaza
    I relay on a mix of news apps for real-time updates and follow industry specific newsletters. For deeper dives, I watch weekly news shows and read in depth articles online.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @haider_murtaza That’s a well-rounded approach 😊
    Julia Klemenc
    My morning routine includes skimming through a few news apps and catching up on global headlines.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @julia_klemenc Wow, Starting the day by skimming through news apps and catching up on global headlines is a great way to stay informed right from the get-go.
    Julia Klemenc
    For me use a combination of news apps and social media to stay updated. I also follow a few trusted blogs and listen to news podcasts during my commute.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @julia_klemenc That’s a comprehensive way to stay in the loop! Do you have any favorite blogs or podcasts that you turn to for reliable information?
    Sandy Leventh
    I keep up by setting up Google Alerts for topics I’m interested in and reading summaries from news aggregators. For broader trends, I watch news roundups on YouTube.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @sandy_leventh Wow, that's really a smart move 😊
    Xavier Jam
    I stay informed by following news apps and social media for quick updates. I also listen to daily news podcasts and read articles from trusted sources.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @xavier_jam That’s a solid mix for staying up-to-date! Do you have any favorite podcasts or apps you find especially reliable?
    Kerry Rivera
    I follow news on apps and social media for the latest updates.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @kerry_rivera It is a great way to get the latest updates in real-time.
    Charlotte Elise Sinclair
    Techcrunch is great for headlines but I prefer a mix of trusted sources - WSJ, NYTimes, BBC for deeper coverage. Also a big fan of newsletters like Morning Brew and The Hustle for quick bites and unique perspectives. Twitter Lists are super useful too for curating feeds around specific topics and thought leaders. And of course, can't forget good ol' word of mouth from my network!
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @charlotteelisesinclair That’s an excellent strategy for staying well-informed! It sounds like you’ve got a comprehensive and balanced approach to keeping up with the news😊!
    Zaheer Khan
    I subscribe to a few newsletters that cover industry trends and major news. It’s a convenient way to stay informed without feeling overwhelmed.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @zah_eer_khan Agree, I truly believe that subscribing to industry-specific newsletters is a smart way to stay updated on trends and major news without getting overwhelmed.
    Léo Fournier
    I listen to daily news podcasts during my commute. It’s a great way to catch up on current events while multitasking.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @leo_fournier Listening to daily news podcasts during your commute is a fantastic way to make the most of your travel time.
    Savilia Lastero
    I like attending webinars and industry events. They not only keep me updated but also provide opportunities to network with others who share my interests.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    @savilia_lastero Its a great opportunity to stay informed and connect with like-minded individuals.
    Jennifer Lisa
    Staying informed about current event and trends can be done by regularly checking news websites, following social media channels, subscribing to newsletters, listening to podcasts, and using apps that deliver news updates.More
    Milo Nathaniel Thorne
    Yeah I skim TechCrunch's headlines most mornings to stay in the loop on the latest tech news and funding rounds. For broader trends and analysis pieces, a16z's content blog & Stratechery are my go-tos. Twitter lists curating top folks in my areas of interest have also been invaluable for surfacing novel takes & developments in real-time.