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  • How do you respect your plans - How to actually do all things on the to-do list.?

    Marko Rakic
    9 replies
    Planning your time is easy. Real problems come when it's time to do what you have planned. So how do you stay productive and respect what you have planned to do?


    Andrew Glenn
    Are you building in "white space" into your calendar? Time that's not scheduled so that when something takes longer than the time you've allotted, you can park it and come back to it later? I'm with @qudsia_ali as well. Discipline is critical. Stop a task at the end of the time allotted. Move on, you can schedule time to revisit it later. Finally, I think we have to accept that everyday there will be things that we don't get done. So being ruthless in the prioritization helps ensure that we focus on the important things.
    Launching soon!
    @asglenn Thank you, Andrew. The concept of white space is essential. But I believe we sometimes don't give ourselves that margin to be more productive.
    evgeniy poddubniy
    @asglenn @qudsia_ali Thanks for this interesting information.
    Launching soon!
    Discipline is the key here. I once heard someone say there is a pain associated with both discipline and regret, but the pain of regret is much more than the pain of discipline. So, bear the pain of discipline so that you don't have to bear the pain of regret. This motivates me to complete my to-do lists.
    Jennifer Guerra
    I use a Pomodoro app to stay productive, but I also plan the day as I had a little bit less time than in reality, so I can handle an emergency
    Hemant Warier
    There are a few things that can help you respect your plans and actually do all the things on your to-do list. First, make sure your to-do list is realistic and includes things that you can actually accomplish. Second, break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks. Third, set a specific time limit for each task and make sure you stick to it. Finally, reward yourself for completing tasks on your to-do list!
    I always prioritise the most urgent things to do first. But I never force myself. Because forcing myself when I'm not in the mood: I'll only do it in twice the time. So I set myself goals with a date and it works
    András Juhász
    The question is already biased. It's useful to keep a to-do list and organize it in the order of priorities (or potentially add deadlines), but usually, the items without hard deadlines are not urgent or important. So it's also fine to let some of the things slide off the tasklist with time. If nobody is asking for it, probably it was not important in the first place.
    evgeniy poddubniy
    Corporation https://mlsdev.com/blog/healthca.... If you want to separate your personal liability from your company’s liability, you may want to consider forming one of several types of corporations (e.g., S corporation, C corporation or B corporation). Although each type of corporation is subject to different guidelines, this legal structure generally makes a business a separate entity from its owners, and, therefore, corporations can own property, assume liability, pay taxes, enter contracts, sue and be sued like any other individual. “Corporations, especially C corporations, are especially suitable for new businesses that plan on ‘going public’ or seeking funding from venture capitalists in the near future,” said Deryck Jordan, managing attorney at Jordan Counsel. Limited liability company. One of the most common structures for small businesses is the limited liability company (LLC). This hybrid structure has the legal protections of a corporation while allowing for the tax benefits of a partnership.