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  • How do you prioritise?

    Claire Shaw
    6 replies
    I'm interested to know how different people prioritise a task list as long as their arm. When you're responsible for everything from socials to brand awareness, marketing, sales, content, training and more, how do you schedule your days? In the period leading up to a launch, what took priority? Do you have any tips or tricks on how to stop getting overwhelmed?


    Divine Rivers
    Important as we launch our marketplace for sign-ups come July 17th. Our method of sorting the madness was listing out everything that was needed to launch. And for each task, we asked "What will happen if this task doesn't get done before launch". "What would be the impact?" For some tasks it would not be ideal, for others, we wouldn't be able to launch at all. Based on where our answer to these questions fell on this spectrum was how we prioritized. We also accounted for contingencies/dependencies when prioritizing When it felt like tasks were of equal priority, we did the hard, most challenging, most uncomfortable task first as we are first-time founders and needed to account for any learning curves, not knowing what we don't know, and getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Hope this helps
    Claire Shaw
    @divine_rivers1 This really helps, thank you for your insights!
    Divine Rivers
    @claire_shaw Of course, it is crucial especially as we just launched The Marketplace for Everyday Professionals to supplement their Salary today for sign-ups. Check it out at TheCareering.com My Co-Founder and I are looking for candid feedback from other Founders and builders as we are first-time Founders. Would love to hear your thoughts on everything from design, flow, idea, our solution, problem, and Marketing. Learn More Info at producthunt.com/discussions/we-just-launched-and-careering-is-now-live-looking-for-all-the-feedback-we-can-get-thanks
    Igor Lysenko
    I have a product that solves this problem, so I don't have any problems with this theme :)
    Claire Shaw
    @ixord it's not really a tool i'm after, it's more advice on what to prioritise leading up to a launch
    Igor Lysenko
    @claire_shaw Basically, the solution to your problem is to understand which tasks to prioritize and which not. It's hard to do it mentally, so people use different kinds of programs. When thinking about giving priority, you need to see the entire list of tasks and use a few rules: 1) If your task has the closest due date, you can put it in second place. 2) Prioritize the most important tasks that can compensate for other small tasks. By combining these two points, you can automate the process and better set tasks. There are many rules, but I only said two.