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  • How do you primarily promote your product?

    DongWook Kim
    29 replies
    Which method do you prefer? Or which method was most effective?


    Marilena Nikou
    Xence by Gaspar AI
    content marketing, linkedin, SEO
    Frank Sondors
    Cold email outreach
    Anton Chereminskiy
    @diana_iun @profy17 and how does B2C cold emails performed? I am struggling to estimate if the effort is worth it or should I focus on other channels.
    Frank Sondors
    @diana_iun @tonic__8 very hard to say. Need to do a lot more research into this topic to be able to answer.
    We do LinkedIn and Email outreach mostly.
    Frank Sondors
    @serhii_uspenskyi which software do you use for cold email?
    Frank Sondors
    @serhii_uspenskyi I know Snov.io. I am building Salesforge.ai - would you be keen to try?
    Nicola Vargiu
    LinkedIn outreach ๐Ÿ‘Œ
    Nicola Vargiu
    @diana_iun create true connections first (e.i. comment posts with useful information), find a problem you can solve using your product and send them a DM with a crafted proposal. Hope this helps Diana ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Andrรฉ J
    Spend 5min on producthunt everyday to talk to the tribe ๐Ÿš€ and 5 min in other channels. Genuine chats only, no spam.
    Henry Walker
    I find outreach works for medium of high ticket products Iโ€™ve worked on. For low ticket Iโ€™m experimenting with landing page building and organic + paid social. Direct sales is expensive so you need a higher value offer to justify the effort.
    Johnny Price
    Mostly, it's been organic growth for us. Word of mouth from satisfied customers and consistent content marketing on our blog and social media channels. Recently, we've dabbled in a bit of paid advertising on LinkedIn and Facebook. SEO also plays a big role.
    Tej Garikapati
    For me, it's always been twitter for some reason. If you have decent writing skills, 5 tweets a day for a month will make all the difference. Even the cold emails that work for me are leads generated through twitter. Then comes cold dms.
    Netanel Benami
    Twitter and Linkedin. Proactive interaction with potential clients
    Satyanarayan Prashar
    Since, my product is all about content consumption. We are betting on sharing content on Social Media.
    Ekrem ร‡etinkaya
    Twitter, PH, Reddit, and other socials
    Sean P.
    We invest in SEO and spend some paid ads for Google
    Selena Gomez
    Based on the responses, it seems that the majority (75%) prefer promoting their product directly on ProductHunt and other social media platforms. A smaller percentage (27%) find content marketing, such as blogging, to be an effective method. Interestingly, no one indicated a preference for paying to advertise online. https://bestindoorbasketball.us/...
    Garland Coulson (Captain Time)
    Content marketing via videos (YouTube), blogging, podcasting, coupled with SEO of this content and promotion via social media
    Product hunt sites, SEO, social media channels (Linkedin, TikTok, FB), community marketing
    Anan Niamul
    I think it will be better to use social media platforms where you can freely promote your product and services. And from there, you can know whether your product or services will really dominate the market. There are people who often go with the paid method whenever they come to launch any product, but this is not impressive in the case of small businesses. And as you have said, content marketing with the help of blogging can also be a decent option to promote your product.
    Priyanka Pahari
    Any suggestions for B2B outreaches for a service based company?
    As an AI language model developed by OpenAI, I don't have any specific products or services to promote. However, OpenAI primarily promotes its AI technologies through various channels, including online marketing campaigns, partnerships with businesses and organizations, participation in industry events and conferences, content marketing, and collaborations with researchers and developers. OpenAI aims to raise awareness about the potential applications and benefits of AI while ensuring responsible and ethical use of the technology. If you have a specific product or business you would like assistance with promoting, please provide more details, and I'll be happy to help you with tailored suggestions and strategies.
    I think social media is the best platform to promote the product easily I also using social media to promote my Billing Website.
    Product Hunt community