How do you prefer obtaining feedback?

Mo Assaf
6 replies
Hey ProductHunters, I am Mo the creator of Deepreview and would like to know your opinion about collecting feedback! Let me know which suits you the most and why :)


Sherry Xena
The interview is the most direct, followed by the surveys
Mo Assaf
@sherryxena interesting why this order?
In my opinion, interviews are the best option as they let you ask more detailed questions and give the participants the opportunity to respond in-depth.
Alyne Padilla
Interviews but also a fan of job shadowing when possible to observe usability and points of friction in action (typically for enterprise apps - CRM type products)
Mo Assaf
@alynepadilla wow can you elaborate more of what shadowing means for you?
Alyne Padilla
@tefeno Sure thing. Job shadowing the users who use or will use the product. Basically an hourish in the life of the user with focus on observing their natural interaction with the product if it exists or their process pre-product solution. For example, call center rep that uses a CRM to support incoming calls or a WFM system (workforce management system). You'd observe how they utilize features, their navigation flow, etc. This is my favorite method whenever possible but it really does depend what the product is/will be as it's not always possible.