How do you pay yourself while starting a business?
Slim Geransar
13 replies
I live in NYC. Not the cheapest place in the world to live lol. So I work full time to support my self and family personally while I bootstrap my startup.
How about you?
Paul Boudet@phb71
Savings + some freelance work on the side
REI Litics
REI Litics
I spend all the money I have on the product and don’t allocate anything for myself.
REI Litics
REI Litics
@kgrebenjukov I feel you on the time commitment, then also finding time for family and the 3 seconds I have left for self care
I am bootstrapping as well. I have several other business that I have painfully created in the last 11 years that gives me residual income (affiliate/network marketing/e-commerce/non-profit/wellness programs) So I get paid first and budget last. It is still hard while bootstrapping many moving blocks and all those blocks want 💰💰💰💰😂
Kudos to you to do that. I live in Northern NJ with my family. Not far from you!
REI Litics
@rajeshkan72 glad to hear I’m not the only one facing this dilemma. You get it, not cheap where you are either