How do you organize your work schedule? Do you use any calendar apps or regular calendars?
Yavuz Tunc Emran
14 replies
There is Google Calendar, Microsoft To-Do, Tamly’s Meeting Schedule feature, Habit Tracker apps and then there is the good-old paper calendar. How do you keep track of your tasks and meetings? Any app recommendations?
Slim Geransar@slimmy82
REI Litics
Google calendar and notion.
Tamly: Automate B2B Sales Outreach
REI Litics
@tunc_emran yeah notion rocks!
Staying organized is a must, especially with our busy schedules, right? Personally, I'm a fan of digital tools. Google Calendar is my go-to for meetings and appointments, and I love Microsoft To-Do for task management. They sync seamlessly, making life easier.
However, I also appreciate the tactile feel of a paper calendar for jotting down quick notes and ideas. It's like a backup brain for me!
If you're interested, I recently discovered some neat tips on Calendar Geek at that have helped me fine-tune my digital calendar.
Yes I Keeps everything in check.
Tamly: Automate B2B Sales Outreach
@priyankamandal being organized is the way to keep everything on track 🙌🏻
use calendar apps like Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, or Apple Calendar to manage their schedules. These apps allow users to schedule tasks, set reminders, organize meetings, and synchronize across devices for efficient time management. Additionally, some individuals still prefer traditional paper calendars or planners for organizing their work schedules based on personal preferences.
Tamly: Automate B2B Sales Outreach
@james_lewis16 i find traditional paper calendars motivating
I dont do anything. Just work everyday until I drop. When I am at the office people are running after me for answers.... I guess I should work on that.
Tamly: Automate B2B Sales Outreach
@jimmurrieta some people work better in chaos my friend, you got this
@jimmurrieta It sounds like you have a demanding workload, and it's essential to find a balance to avoid burnout. Creating a more structured work environment might help manage the constant demands for answers. Consider setting clear communication channels and expectations, so colleagues can find the information they need without relying solely on your immediate availability.
Additionally, taking breaks and delegating tasks when possible can contribute to a healthier work-life balance. Remember, self-care is crucial for sustained productivity.
If you're looking for ways to optimize your time and efficiency, you might also explore tools or strategies to streamline your workflow.
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Unpopular opinion but have anyone ever heard about Morning Bird? I've found it on CH Play just by accident recently. Yet, it lives up to my expectation for its user-friendly features. This helps me set reminders and create community events, so my daily schedule runs so well. In case you guys want to try it, here's where i found it
Personally, I've tried a variety of approaches over the years to keep my work schedule and life in check.
Always Google Calendar
Bypass FRP Of Samsung