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  • How do you motivate yourself to create content on a consistent basis?

    Nimesha Buvanendran
    12 replies
    Hello fellow content creators, Creating content is undoubtedly the hardest job that many people consider to be easy. It is difficult to keep producing quality, compelling content especially when you stumble on a mind-block and feel stuck. So, how do you keep pushing yourself forward and create content even on days when you are feeling low on energy and ideas? Any tips and tricks that could be useful to the community (and to me) are warmly welcomed.


    Daniel Engels
    I've set an internal guideline: create 2 pieces of original high-quality content per month. We discuss how it is going regularly with the team.
    Nimesha Buvanendran
    @daniel_engels That sounds like a great idea to keep the team motivated. Thank you for sharing.
    Dani Luu
    Just do it. Some content is better than no content!
    I have to admit that revenue is the biggest motivation for me. I create content on Twitter and on my blog and it translates in traffic, then sales
    Nimesha Buvanendran
    @luciantartea This is a great tip for amateurs who are trying to start up their career in this field.
    Suvojit Manna
    I started with writing whatever came to mind or whatever I found interesting. Now I'm working on slowly introducing constraints around the content. It's a process :D
    Nimesha Buvanendran
    @smanna this trick works 100% for me too. I randomly scribble everything that I want to write, and then work around it. The hardest part in contents is in producing the first draft. Once you get it, the rest comes in a flow.
    Brian Regan
    I find that shutting off slack, email, and social media, and taking time to write is very difficult. I always set very public goals with my team, especially around marketing and sales-related activities. There are two reasons I do this: I want my team to have visibility & it forces me to block time for writing and content creation.
    Hemant Warier
    There are a few things that help me stay motivated when creating content: 1. Having a plan and goal for each piece of content I create. This helps me stay focused and make sure that each post is serving a purpose. 2. Keeping a positive attitude. When I'm feeling down, it's hard to be creative. But if I can stay positive and upbeat, it's much easier to get in the right mindset to write.
    What motivates me is having seen content from people that inspires me, or a new way of writing or creating. It always gives me a boost.
    Susan Harris Scott
    Since two months I'm following a new procedure I created to write high-quality content on regular basis. I called it "inverted pyramid". It is a step by step procedure that includes: keyword research, headlines creation, paragraphs writing (the first one is always no more than 300 characters), readability check (that must be above 65 based on the Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease). I'm also testing 2 relatively new AI writing tools not to produce content but to get as much information as possible about the topic I am dealing with. Improving my procedure by creating high-quality content motivates me a lot.
    Nimesha Buvanendran
    @susan_harris_scott wow that sounds like an amazing hack to keep producing content. I have never tried this method, but would love to experiment on it. Thank you for sharing :)