How do you measure the success of your marketing campaigns?

Hamza Afzal Butt
18 replies
I rely on KPIs like conversion rates, CTR, and engagement metrics to gauge campaign performance. What metrics do you prioritize to assess the effectiveness of your marketing efforts?


Deluar Hosain
If it passed at least my primary goal, instead end goal.
Arthur Leclercq
Only 1 KPI is reliable to me, leads generated, you can have 1000 views on your website each day, if it does not generates leads for sales team, it's useless
john milton
@arthur_leclercq Totally agreed! Do you have anything in mind which can help others to grow as well?
Arthur Leclercq
@john_milton8 Follow up after the first contact is really important, do not give up while it is not a clear No from your prospect (advice of a sales person)
Prem Saini
All the KPIs you mentioned are accurately also the ones i also look at!
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Hakim Zerhouni
I prioritize conversion rates and customer acquisition cost to measure the success of my marketing campaigns. These metrics give me a clear picture of how effectively my campaigns are driving real results.
Aqsa Sajjad
For me, engagement metrics like social shares and comments are key indicators of campaign success. They help me understand how well my content is resonating with the audience.
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CY Zhou
I measure the success of my marketing campaigns by tracking key performance indicators such as conversion rates, ROI, and customer engagement metrics. Additionally, I analyze feedback and adjust strategies to continually optimize results.
Kelly Nguyen
Greate question! I've worked with different clients and it definitely relies on what type of business you're doing. - E-commerce: lifetime ROI/ x day ROI > Cost per order > CPC - Gaming Apps: ROI > Cost per register > CPA > CPC - Other Apps: CPA > CPC - Lead generation(for example, car dealership): CPL>CPC Above are the metrics for bidding ads. If you are doing branding (an example is P&G), you are more likely to focus on CPM, video completion rate, etc.
Like others mentioned, how many customers you get is one of the key marketing metrics i evaluated for when running ads for, my recent product.
My3 Murthy
One metric- did it achieve the goal it set out to achieve. Some campaigns are for brand awareness. Some are for revenue generation. I don't tie all campaigns to revenue generation because that's not logical. I shouldn't expect a brand awareness campaign to generate revenue (especially if it a product that has a long sales cycle)
Singh Aman
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Aruna Neervannan
Campaigns have all kinds of different objectives, and thus different metrics to watch. It depends on the campaign.
andi wir
What ROI are you getting!
john milton
I rely on conversions only!