How do you manage your company's internal knowledge base?
Mike Choi
24 replies
You know the feeling. You are working on a project and you have
- 10 Google Docs
- 3 Figma files
- 10 slack channels
- Handful of Confluence pages, etc.
It sucks looking for that one Google Doc that has the one sentence you are looking for.
How do you manage to organize the huge amount of content at your workplace? Furthermore, how do you share this knowledge base with other people at work?

Aleh Barysevich@ab80

SEO PowerSuite
Our team's using Wiki (by Altassian) together with Jira, to make sure that all the documentation can be quickly found by any team member. Personally, I also make notes in Trello for daily and weekly plans of activities.
@inessa_bokhan Gotcha! Do you use your team’s Wiki page to jump to links every day? Or is it used more for documentation purposes?

SEO PowerSuite
@inessa_bokhan We do something similar, we find that using the Wiki format really helps both for ease of editability as well as searchability.
Ecoisme 2.0
I search in every system separately. Are there some better option?

I have to open each tool separately and search until I find what I need. Pretty annoying
Don’t Panic by
I tried to have one source of trust in the Confluence and put links to all things in other places there. So whenever I look for something, I expected to have a hint in Confuence
@lisadziuba Do you also use Confluence to open links that you open frequently? If not, how do you open “frequently opened” links?
Don’t Panic by
In most companies, that's a big issue - every team is storing information in their own system and search is pretty hard.
You will need a good Knowledge base solution. Try Document360- A SaaS Knowledge base solution for creating internal and public knowledge bases.
It has AI-powered search features that give a Google-like experience to the user.
For collaborating with peers the platform offers collaboration features to discuss and manage workflow as well.
You can integrate with Slack or the MS teams and share the article with other or also you can export the article as a pdf and share it in your way.

Notion + Slack here. Notions search is pretty good and i havent had an issue with not being able to find some roadmap/doc. The important part is making sure they stay up to date!
We use SLAB, which worked pretty great so far. Lightweight, and design is carefully executed.
Content of the agency is categorized under Topics, "Company" "Design" "Development" "Projects" "Notes" etc... From weekly schedules to meeting notes, also each project has its dedicate place under sub-topics, "Project Scope Documentation" "Requirements Gathering" all research, analysis every note in the same folder. All team members have access.
They also have a killer feature called "Series" where you can custom sort series of notes, with easy back and forth navigation. This also works great when you open the notes you want for public sharing, and share this note series with clients, or anyone outside of the organization.
Notes have "Table of contents" and is very suitable this kind of archiving/using.
We have Slack as well, for communication and kind of documents archive. With SLAB, GitHub (&Projects) currently we are set.
Notion is our central hub at
Slack is for "live", non-persistent conversations.
Figma and other tools are referenced/embedded from within Notion.
Documentation and task management all done natively in Notion.
So anything you want to do in this system, you start with Notion and find your way in a couple clicks!
Notion, GDrive
If there is no time constrain on the project I go through each doc slowly and steadily without any support, sometimes apart from finding the thing that I need I learn something new which helps me in the future. I honestly prefer this method because it has saved me a lot of time. When the project needs to be finished fast I usually ask for support either from work or outside work. My work does not involve any sensitive information so it does make it easy. If u cannot get outside support I would recommend pushing yourself it does help in the future.
At Walkover, we have a channel on Slack named Walkers that keeps reminding the team about the mission/vision/products updates/knowledge base on a regular basis so everytime a new Walker (employee) joins us they learn about the policies, where to put up queries, where to find the important docs, etc.
I combine everything on Notion pages by categories
Don’t Panic by
@nataliekarakina like a "working directory"?
@lisadziuba something like that, yes. Also, add backlinks for connection everything (love that I can see updates seamlessly without link changing)
@nataliekarakina How has this been working for you? Do you use your pages in Notion frequently to open links you want?
Slack and we do Threads