How do you manage stress/difficult life situations?

Olena Bomko
50 replies
For me - 1. Nature.  Now I live in the mountain forest. So I can go hiking. 2. Music. I started playing the piano when I was 3 years old. It did not last long because I broke my hand often. I wrote music, too. Now, I just listen to a lot of music. 3. Planting. Spending time with animals. When I had a difficult life situation, I planted different plants. And I liked when my hands were dirty in the soil. There's only one situation when I can be jealous - you have a dog. 4. I watch pranks/everything funny. 5. Sleep and eat well. In my best-performing years, I slept 9 hours every night. It's a dream now :) 6. Work.  When the stress is connected with my personal life, I work. I try to work only with people who make me feel good/support me and my style.  I get a lot of support from my work community. Especially on LinkedIn. When I work, I don't remember anything bad. 7. I don't drink alcohol at all. I eat a lot of chocolate/sugar. I know it's not healthy. But I feel better. I think it’s totally okay to cry, be not productive, and feel bad when something bad happens. And if you can’t cope with everything, you need to ask for help. What works for you?


William Montagu
Your ways of dealing with stressful situations are very cool. I think that they should be used by many of us. And it is especially cool that you don't drink alcohol even in difficult moments, because for many people it is again a habitual way of avoiding reality in the hope that drinking alcohol will make all problems disappear. This often leads to a person starting to need alcohol treatment centers los angeles. Nature, music and animals are beautiful. And this is really what helps to calm down, gather one's thoughts and solve all problems.
Business Marketing with Nika
Sometimes I go to Reddit to have a piece of advice for handling it. 😀
@busmark_w_nika I havent think about it I will go to see this next time hahaha
Business Marketing with Nika
@olenabomko I have to say that some people on Reddit really opened my eyes. Many times gave me a piece of advice worth of gold and totally for free. I am surprised at how excellent that platform is. :D
Business Marketing with Nika
@olenabomko @paulinahryniewicz When I put there any questions, I can share some insights on my profile :)
I find doing some form of exercise works the best for me, preferably disconnected from any form of network :) Or reading comments on Twitter haha.
Julie Su
@tracker_3 Read comments on Twitter? interesting !!
Kayode Odeleye
@tracker_3 +1 for exercise The harder the exercise the better it is for stress relief I run 3x and lift heavy weights 1x a week Does wonders!
Pedro Fonseca
I walk my dog and play with it. Huge stress relieve
Dima Isakov
@pedrofonseca17 Yeah. I have a big St. Bernard and I feel better after a long walk with him too. It really works.
Ricardo Batista
Sports, nature and family.
Julie Su
Sleep, Sleep, it makes me clever !!
Prem Saini
Read a book and cut off myself from all the digital devices
Almarie Stander
Ideal: Taking long, deep, breaths and exhaling slowly... Reality: Swearing a little and grunting like a bear Worst: Crying uncontrollably until someone feels sorry for me. This works most of the times but is VERY embarrassing and happens without control i.e. not out of choice.
Salar Davari
Nice tips. Thanks Olena.
For me, taking a long walk on the nature is very therapeutic 🍃
I go for a walk and thing one day I will be dead than I kill my stress there.
Ryan Zhang
I manage stress and difficult life situations by prioritizing self-care, including regular exercise and mindfulness practices, and seeking support from friends, family, or professionals when needed. It's all about finding balance and being kind to yourself through the process.
interesting subject to read ! I like to sleep, listen to music, go to gym and eat good things. when I feel im going through difficulties I just think that things after will look easier so it worth the pain !! and when things get better I go to a good restaurant to celebrate it (yes im obsessed with food ahaha)
Strangely enough, my work has saved me in this regard. I've had health issues that landed like a nuclear bomb in my nice little life and left nothing untouched, and it was learning to code and plunging myself into projects every day (instead of focusing every bit of my energy on health issues and never ending research in this area) that has really brought meaning and focus into my situation. I agree with every point above, but strangely it's through finding different kinds of stress and challenge and pain that's helped me manage stress the most. Isn't there a saying which is something along the lines of 'life is always going to be painful, so the point is to find the painful things you enjoy most'?
Dima Isakov
I'm always soothed by nature and the sounds of silence. When I want to release all my anxiety, I just walk through the forest where birds are singing and I can hear the crackle under my feet and from the swaying trees. Also lately, I've been finding solace in simple and monotonous work. Where I don't have to think. Sports, extreme sports, reading books and communicating with loved ones will not help me. Only silence and nature.
Oleksandr Zhabin
There is a list of basic factors that influence mood: sleep, sunlight, physical activity, nutrition, and social connections. This is described in many studies and it works for me. What also works for me is keeping a journal, which is also mentioned in research. This works because the jumble of abstract and unconscious images in the mind, when attempting to record them, turns into structured and understandable thoughts. By the way, tomorrow I am launching a product related to mental health, one of the features of which will be useful for recording thoughts🙂
 Verna Haywood
Managing stress and difficult life situations requires a combination of strategies that work best for each individual. Some effective methods include practicing mindfulness and meditation to stay grounded, engaging in regular physical activity to release tension, seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It's also important to prioritize self-care activities, such as getting enough sleep, eating well, and setting boundaries to prevent burnout. Finding healthy ways to cope with stress can improve overall well-being and resilience in facing life's challenges. Verna Haywood Verna's journey through adversity has shaped her into a beacon of hope, inspiring her to create a holistic approach to healing. She believes in nurturing the mind, body, and soul, recognizing their interconnectedness in the healing process. Dedicated to guiding others, Verna helps individuals overcome trauma and find inner peace.
I manage stress by prioritizing self-care and mindfulness practices, such as meditation and regular exercise, which help me maintain a balanced perspective. Additionally, I make it a point to talk about my challenges with trusted friends or a professional, as sharing often lightens the emotional load.
Milli Sen
Sleep, nature, music and talking to someone trustworthy and wise.
One thing I'll do is just close my eyes, zoom out and picture myself as a tiny spec in the universe. Reminds me that things I feel are a big deal aren't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Also i live near the ocean so I'll go to the beach and just sit some days :)