How do you like to keep track of your goals?

Anoir Houmou
10 replies


Anand G
Google Analytics 🤗
Sebastian Janus - derStartupCFO
I like to set measurable, achievable goals that I can work towards in the short and long-term. I make sure that I have a clear timeline for when I want to reach each goal, and I track my progress in a spreadsheet so I can see how far I have come and how much further I need to go. I also make sure to check in with myself on a regular basis to stay on track and make sure I'm staying focused on the big picture.
Hidayt Rahman
Not yet any automated solution but making use keep, ms todo
Carmela Padasas
Personal: Habit tracker app Work: different metrics depends on my goals
Ágh Helmut
I use Notion KANBAN boards for both personal and business goals. I try to check them as often as possible, preferably daily.
I do self-reveiw every month, to check my progress and new learning. If i didn't keep up with my goal this month, I will analyze whether it is cuz of me or other uncontrolled influence. If it is the first one, I will give myself one month to catch up