How do you know when you reached your product market fit ?

Boris Rieunier
4 replies
Hey guys, we are currently at a stage where we signed our first customers on our B2B SaaS but is it enough to say that we reached our product market fit ? Do you have examples from your experience or readings of product reaching their product market fit? How do you evaluate that?


André J
Launching soon!
If you have to ask that you have not found it. PMF is when the market pulls the startup. When you can't for the life of you make more pizzas because demand is around the corner. And you can't hire enough chefs fast enough or find good spots to expand. 😬 I like the idea of PMZ:
Vlad Zivkovic
When you cross 5-10k MRR, you can be pretty sure you are there.
Jane Morris
You know you've reached product-market fit when your target customers not only understand the value proposition of your product but also demonstrate a strong desire to use it.
Fabian Maume
If you have a free trial you need to check the subscription rate after the free trial: the benchmark is 5% The second key metric is churn: if you have more than 10% monthly churn you don't have product market fit.