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  • How do you keep your user community engaged and active over time?

    Andreea S.
    39 replies
    Keeping a user community engaged and active over time requires a blend of consistent communication, valuable content, and interactive opportunities. Regular updates, like newsletters and announcements, keep users informed and excited about new features or developments. Let’s share what’s working and what’s not!


    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    I’d also add that fostering a sense of belonging and recognizing active members can further boost engagement.
    Andreea S.
    @hamza_afzal_butt great one 🚀
    Bianca Tanase
    Keep your community engaged by regularly updating content, encouraging interaction, recognizing contributions, and hosting events that align with their interests.
    Drip feeding content. I have a YouTube channel where I schedule up a load of small videos 2 per week and it keeps people engaged with your brand.
    Andreea S.
    @theindiebuilder That's such a great idea! If you'd like, please share your YouTube channel here so we can support it!
    Iulian D
    One way to keep a user community engaged is by creating regular opportunities for interaction, like Q&A sessions or polls, which make users feel heard and valued. I’ve found that sharing success stories or user-generated content also helps build a sense of community. It’s about finding that balance between keeping things fresh and not overwhelming users with too much information.
    Andreea S.
    @idowbmarc That sounds really engaging!
    Thomas Bonfils
    Before trying to engage with all your members, you need to identify your champions and who you want to focus on. Categorize your members between passive, active and committed is a first step to better understand your community. Then you could set up strategies and personalized actions depending on each profile.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    To keep my user community engaged, I focus on being responsive, providing fresh and relevant content, and encouraging meaningful conversations. I love learning from users' feedback and making our interactions more fun and valuable over time. It’s all about creating a space where everyone feels heard and excited to participate. :)
    I’ve found that regularly sharing updates and news keeps the community engaged.
    Antonin Vidal
    I find that celebrating milestones and achievements with the community helps maintain enthusiasm.
    Emily Wheeler
    I think it's important to actively listen to user suggestions and incorporate their feedback. It shows that we value their input and are committed to improving.
    Arslan Ali
    Regular polls, A&A, and rewards keep users engaged. Active interaction is key.
    Isabel Hely
    I think Virtual meetup, celebrating achievements, and feedback sessions boost community activity.
    Victoire Mathieu
    I keep my user community engaged by regularly sharing updates and celebrating milestones. Encouraging user-generated content and holding fun, interactive events also keeps the energy high.
    Zaheer Khan
    Consistent communication and active involvement are crucial. I make it a point to respond to comments, share user stories, and provide updates to keep the community feeling valued and engaged.
    Léo Fournier
    I make sure to regularly check in with community members, personalize interactions, and create opportunities for users to connect and collaborate.
    I created regular content and challenges to keep users motivated and engaged.
    Elido Dial
    I make sure to interact personally and acknowledge contributions to show that everyone’s input matters.
    Matthew Baker
    Hosting live Q&As and interactive events helps maintain interest and build a sense of community.
    Akute Mauton
    I find that regular updates and fresh content keep the comunity intrested. Whether it’s new features, events, or discussions, giving them something new to talk about always helps.
    Grayson Lily
    Listening to the community and acting on their feedback has worked well for me.
    Lily Edward
    Hosting events or challenges has been a great way to keep the community engaged. It gives people a reason to come back, participate, and connect with each other.