How do you handle negative reviews and turn them into opportunities?

AR Bell
36 replies


Andre Yang
Every negative review represents the user's experience with the application. The main question here is how to accept this feedback and process it. If you can process it correctly, then you can correct the error. It is very useful.
Ryan Kara
You have got to take these reviews in stride. Read through the negative reviews to sift out legitimate ones. Then create an action item to remediate the issue. Every review is a learning experience.
Jao Japitana
@ryan_kara I Agree with this. You'll have to bearin mind that some might be trolls or bots.
@ryan_kara totally agree that every review is a learning experience. It’s up to you though if you take action from that action
Igor Lysenko
Every negative review represents the user's experience with the application. The main question here is how to accept this feedback and process it. If you can process it correctly, then you can correct the error. It is very useful.
@ixord Well said. Negative feedback, when processed thoughtfully, becomes a powerful tool for improvement.
Amelia Charlie
2. Investigate and resolve: Don't dismiss the criticism. Look into the issue raised in the review and try to understand the root cause of the customer's dissatisfaction. Take steps to resolve the problem and prevent it from happening again.
@amelia_charlie totally agree, and I would also let the customer know that the issue had been fixed thanks to them bringing it up. Make them feel like a part of the solution
Anna Jack
Offer compensation: Depending on the situation, offering a discount, refund, or other form of compensation can help to soften the blow and show the customer that you are serious about making things right.
Jasmine Butters
Every negative review represents the user's experience with the application. The main question here is how to accept this feedback and process it. If you can process it correctly, then you can correct the error. It is very useful.
@jasmine_butters Thanks for highlighting the importance of understanding and processing feedback effectively.
John Michael
To turn negative reviews into opportunities, listen actively to understand the concern, respond promptly with empathy and a solution, and use the feedback to improve your product/service, showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction. This approach can help you turn dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates and enhance your overall business reputation.
ignore negative and praise rational criticism
Cameron Scully
Understand the most common negative reviews and adjust your product accordingly. Then design a blog post around this new feature that solves this common problem. looking at competitors negative reviews is also a great strategy to differentiate your product. You can create a blog post on how you solve x problem and distribute that content into platforms where your buyer personas hang out. sort of like this.. Negative reviews can definitely make the best growth opportunities.
Chiara Schwarz-Weichhart
Fortunately, Product Hunt is mostly constructive criticism! If it's constructive criticism, try to understand it and turn it into helpful feedback
Boudewijn Bos
Your business is built on negative comments - those are the ones that will get you to the next level! I would love any kind of comment of Fryda if you have any 💜
I think every review is an opportunity to learn and evolve.
Linda Baker
I ask for more details about the issue to gain a better understanding and show genuine interest in resolving the problem.
Mark Henry
By being your self don't care what people say about you be yourself
I would say provide whatever they are unsatisfied about plus a extra benefit. Problem solved ! 👊
Ling Tien
To turn negative reviews into opportunities, listen actively to understand the concern, respond promptly with empathy and a solution, and use the feedback to improve your product/service, showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction. This approach can help you turn dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates and enhance your overall business reputation.
George Lewis
Transform negative reviews into opportunities by responding empathetically, offering personalized solutions, and publicly showcasing resolutions, turning dissatisfied customers into brand advocates through exceptional service and genuine care, thus improving brand credibility and loyalty.
Tatiana Vdovychenko
The head of BDO of the company where I work, JetSoftPro, a software development service, recently talked about our experience on live steam. I share the link and hope that our experience will be useful for you.
Kaushik Mukherjee
The are no negative reviews - only pockets of opportunity to keep building a better product, uncovering some blind spot or working on your self control ;)